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HCCE 2012 - The Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments

The conference sessions will be at the University of Aizu (Aizu-Wakamatsu) and University of Shizuoka (Hamamatsu) with satellite sessions at Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences.

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ISWC 2012 - Sixteenth annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers

ISWC 2012, the sixteenth annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers, is the a forum for wearable computing and issues related to on-body and worn mobile technologies. ISWC brings together researchers, product vendors, fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and related professionals to share information and advances in wearable computing. ISWC invites submissions on everything related to computing on the body: “on-the-go” uses of mobile phones, on-body sensing, wearables for professional use, mobile healthcare, entertainment, cloud computing, etc.... See the lists under “Areas of Interest” below for more.

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UIST 2012 - 25th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) is the a forum for innovations in the software and technology of human-computer interfaces. Sponsored by ACM's special interest groups on computer-human interaction (SIGCHI) and computer graphics (SIGGRAPH), UIST brings together researchers and practitioners from diverse areas that include traditional graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, and CSCW.

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Pervasive 2012 - Tenth International Conference on Pervasive Computing

This annual conference is a forum for researchers to present their latest results in all areas related to the architecture, design, implementation, application and evaluation of pervasive computing. Pervasive 2012 will be collocated with ISWC 2012. Newcastle will also host DIS 2012 the preceding week.

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DIS 2012 - ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems

The ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems is an international forum where designers, artists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers and many more come together to debate and shape the future of interactive systems design and practice. At DIS 2012, the discussion focusses to what happens when interactive systems are used "in the wild"

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3DUI 2012 - IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces

The IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2012 is the seventh international symposium focused on the topic of 3D User Interfaces and provide an opportunity for industrial and academic researchers to exchange ideas about the state of art 3DUI research.

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VR 2012 - IEEE Virtual Reality 2012

IEEE VR 2012: international conference and exhibition on virtual reality.

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CASA 2012 - 25th Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents

CASA 2012 will provide an opportunity to interact with leading experts, share one's work, and educate oneself through exposure to the research of your peers from around the world.

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IDC 2012 - 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children

In 2012 as in prior conferences, the main goals will be "to understand children's needs and how to design for them, by presenting and discussing the most innovative research in the field of interaction design for children, by exhibiting the most recent developments in design and design methodologies, and by gathering the leading minds in the field of interaction design for children".

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TEI 2012 - Sixth international conference on tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction

The work presented at TEI addresses HCI issues, design, interactive art, user experience, tools and technologies, with a strong focus on how computing can bridge atoms and bits into cohesive interactive systems.

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FDG 2012 - Foundations of Digital Games 2012

FDG 2012, the International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, is a focal point for academic efforts in all areas of research and education involving games, game technologies, gameplay, and game design. The goal of the conference is the advancement of the study of digital games, including new game technologies, capabilities, designs, applications, educational uses, and modes of play.

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ICEC 2012 - IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing

The conference brings together practitioners and researchers interested in the art and design of entertainment computing applications. ICEC welcomes submissions on the design, engineering, application and theory of entertainment technology.

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IBC 2012

IBC is an annual event for professionals engaged in the creation, management and delivery of entertainment and news content worldwide. Attracting approximately 48,000 attendees from more than 140 countries, IBC combines a peer-reviewed conference with an exhibition that exhibits more than 1,300 suppliers of state of the art electronic media technology and provides networking opportunities.

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3DCHI 2012 - The 3rd Dimension of CHI (3DCHI): Touching and Designing3D User Interfaces

The first international workshop focused on the challenges that appear when the flat digital world of surface computing meets the curved, physical, 3D space we live in. The Workshop is co-located with CHI 2012.

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CHI 2012 - ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

CHI 2012 focusses on the centrality of experience—from the models, theories and practical insights one needs to understand and design for user experience to the value of experiencing innovation in this field through hands-on interactivity.

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WSCG 2012 - 20th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision

WSCG is oriented to research and application papers in the fields mainly related to Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision. The aim of the WSCG events is to bring experts from related fields to discuss the latest research/application results.

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CGI 2012 - Computer Graphics International

Bournemouth University and the National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA) are to host Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2012.

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ICALT 2012 - Serious Games Workshop - Game based learning for 21st century transferable skills: challenges and opportunities

This workshop will address, in particular, how digital games can contribute to contemporary knowledge society requirements towards the effective acquisition of more transferable skills (i.e. those abilities that support learning in task performance across multiple disciplines and subject areas, thus enhancing sustainable learning). Examples of transferable skills: collaboration, critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, reasoning abilities, learning to learn or decision making. This workshop will explore new opportunities offered by (digital) serious games in meeting these new demands.

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SocialCom 2012 - ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom)

The focus of SocialCom is on information and communication technologies aimed at modeling, analysis and synthesis of social interactions. The program will cover the whole spectrum of contexts where computers play a role in human-human and human-machine interaction, from co-located, face-to-face dyadic interactions up to large-scale on-line social networks.

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Haptics 2012 - IEEE Haptics Symposium

The 2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium is dedicated to 20 years of multidisciplinary research relating to the human sense of touch.

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NIME 2012 - The 8th International Workshop on Networking Issues in Multimedia Entertainment

Co-Located with ICCCN 2012. The growing availability of digital contents and the simultaneous cost reductions in storage, processing, and networking is driving the growth of the entertainment technology. While in the past entertainment technology traditionally offered predominantly passive experiences, continual advances in network and computer technologies are providing tools for implementing greater interactivity and for enabling consumers to enjoy more exciting experiences, such as, for example, interactive digital TV, interactive theatre and orchestrated music and sound design.

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ICVRV 2012 - International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization

At the conference the researchers, practitioners and artists from both academia and industry who work in the broad fields of virtual reality and visualization technology will come together to exchange ideas, study development strategy, promote the commercialization of research findings, and work together to boost the development and application of virtual reality and visualization technology.

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FMX 2012 - 17th Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia

FMX is a conference on the creation, production and distribution of digital entertainment and interactive visualization in design, industry and research. Every year artists, specialists, scientists, producers and other key people come to FMX to present new projects, developments and opportunities in the Conference, at the Marketplace, in Workshops or Presentations, in the Recruiting Hub or Education Section, Screenings or Events. As a community-based event, the aim is to provide a space where experiences can be exchanged, innovative approaches discussed and ideas multiplied. The conference's binding theme is the convergence of film, television, computers, consoles and mobile devices. FMX 2012 focuses on technical issues such as Virtual Production, Previs, Digital Worldbuilding, Lighting and Rendering, Cloud Computing, VFX on TV, Industrial CG, VFX produced in Europe & India, Scientific Papers and Transmedia.

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ISMAR 2012 - IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality

Artists and designers are invited to present and contextualize creative work in MR or AR media forms and to reflect on the place of these technologies in various fields of art and design. Scholars are invited to present work that analyzes or critiques AR/MR in the contexts of current social forms or the history of art and media. We welcome papers, posters, and demos, as well as proposals for panels and workshops.

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DMDCM 2012 - Workshop on Digital Media and Digital Content Management

The Workshop on Digital Media and Digital Content Management (DMDCM'2012, originally called DMAMH) will be organized by the VR Committee, China Society of Image and Graphics, and Huzhou Teachers College. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for researchers in digital media, digital content, museum, multimedia community to describe recent advances, to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experiences, and to debate their views on future research and developments. Co-located with Culture & Computing' 2012

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Cyberworlds 2012

Created intentionally or spontaneously, cyberworlds are information spaces and communities that immensely augment the way we interact, participate in business and receive information throughout the world. Cyberworlds seriously impact our lives and the evolution of the world conomy by taking such forms as social networking services, 3D shared virtual communities and massively multiplayer online role-playing games.

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EIST 2012 - Educational Interfaces, Software and Technology 2012

One of the primary goals of teaching is to prepare learners for life in the real world. In this ever changing world of technologies such as mobile interaction, cloud computing, natural user interfaces, and gestural interfaces like the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Kinect people have a greater selection of tools for the task at hand. Teachers and students can leverage these tools to improve learning outcomes. Educational interfaces and software are needed to ensure that new technologies serve a clear purpose in the classrooms and homes of the future.

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TEMU 2012 - International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia

TEMU2012 is an International conference under the Technical Co-Sponsorship of IEEE Communications Society to present new and original research results and the latest state-of-the-art in Telecommunications and Multimedia. It fosters communication and discussion among researchers, scientists and students working in the design, implementation and application of telecommunications and multimedia fields. The conference will provide a three-day Scientific Program, including presentations of invited and regular papers from manufacturers, operators, services providers, academia and research institutes, as well as from policy-makers and stakeholders.

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SAP 2012 - ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (formerly APGV)

Since 2004, this symposium has brought together researchers from the fields of perception, graphics and visualization, to facilitate a wider exchange of ideas. Our goals are to use insights from perception to advance the design of methods for visual, auditory and haptic representation, and to use computer graphics to enable perceptual research that would otherwise not be possible. Co-located with Siggraph 2012.

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IE 2012 - The 8th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment

The Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment is a cross-disciplinary conference that brings together researchers from artificial intelligence, audio, cognitive science, cultural studies, drama, HCI, interactive media, media studies, psychology, computer graphics, as well as researchers from other disciplines working on new interactive entertainment specific technologies or providing critical analysis of games and interactive environments.

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EICS 2012 - The fourth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems

EICS 2012 is the fourth international conference devoted to engineering usable and effective interactive computing systems.

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Eurographics (EG) 2012 - The 33rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics

A number of events will be co-located with Eurographics 2012: EGPGV, the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization - 3DOR, the Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval - ONE 2 ONE

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Mensch & Computer 2012

The “Mensch & Computer 2012” conference in Konstanz takes these technological developments as a prospect to explore and critically discuss contributions from researchers of the discipline “Human-Computer Interaction” under the motto ”interactive information – omnipresent and all-encompassing!?”.

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FNG 2012 - The 4th International Conference on Fun and Games 2012

Fun and Games 2012 is a single-track, 2-day conference where academics and practitioners can interact together in a playful event that marries the best of academic writing with the most innovative play experiences. The conference invites original contributions from designers, developers and researchers in computer games, experience play design and fun. Of particular interest are contributions that cross the traditional disciplines of human-computer interaction, games design, and game development.

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GameDays 2012 - 3rd International Conference and 8th Science meets Business Workshop on Serious Games for training, Education, Health and Sports

In conjunction with Entertainment 2012. The GameDays have been established in 2005 as "Science meets Business" event in the field of Serious Games, taking place on annual basis in Darmstadt, Germany. The principle aim is to bring together academia and industry and to discuss the current trends, grand challenges and potentials of Serious Games for different application domains.

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Edutainment 2012 - 7th International Conference on E-Learning and Games

In conjunction with Game Days 2012. The Edutainment conference provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners in various disciplines to share and exchange experiences in the emerging research area combining Education and Entertainment. Edutainment 2012 keeps its tradition as an international major conference, which facilitates the international exchange of the-state-of-the-art in academic research and practice. The conference covers all aspects of pedagogical principles, designs and technological issues for Education and Entertainment.

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EmoGames 2012 - Emotion in Games for learning

Workshop held in conjunction with ITS 2012: Computer games research has recently experienced the adoption of its own technological advancements (rich interactivity, 3D graphical visualisation and role playing game-style incentive structures) by an increasing number of domains (e-commerce, news reading, web 2.0 services, and human-computer interfaces). The capability of games delivering enhanced user immersion and engagement defines the driving force behind this adoption. Inevitably, games are unique elicitors of emotion and the study of user experience in those environments is of paramount importance for the understanding of game play internal mechanics. In this framework, games are increasingly used in learning, both in formal education and in teaching social and/or vocational skills, putting into action higher-level psychological concepts, such as attention, engagement and flow, and introducing modern reward systems to make game play more appealing.

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IDC 2012 - 11th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children

In 2012 as in prior conferences, the main goals will be "to understand children's needs and how to design for them, by presenting and discussing the most innovative research in the field of interaction design for children, by exhibiting the most recent developments in design and design methodologies, and by gathering the leading minds in the field of interaction design for children". As special themes, IDC 2012 would like to discuss children's needs under the perspectives of "pedagogical aspects in theory and practise" as well as "children from diverse cultural backgrounds".

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GraphiCon 2012 - 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision

GraphiCon is an international conference on computer graphics & vision. This year Graphicon is devoted to the following topics: computer graphics and multimedia, image and video processing, biometrics.

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IGIC 2012 - 4th International Games Innovation Conference 2012

The conference is a platform for disseminating peer-reviewed papers that describe innovative research and development of game technologies. Participation from academia, industry and government are welcome.

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CVMP 2012 - 9th International Conference on Visual Media Production

High-quality papers are invited which present novel research related to any aspect of media production.

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VRAR 2012 - 9th Workshop on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality of the GI Expert's Group

Annual Workshop on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality of the GI Expert's Group

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CIG 2012 - IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games

Games have proven to be an ideal domain for the study of computational intelligence as not only are they fun to play and interesting to observe, but they provide competitive and dynamic environments that model many real-world problems. Additionally, methods from computational intelligence promise to have a big impact on game technology and development, assisting designers and developers and enabling new types of computer games. The 2012 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games brings together leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss recent advances and explore future directions in this quickly moving field.

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VRST 2012 - The 18th acm Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology

The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an international forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers and developers concerned with virtual reality software and technology. VRST will provide an opportunity for VR researchers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss emerging directions for the field. The event is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH.

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Kollaboratives Arbeiten an interaktiven Displays (MuC Workshop)

One day workshop on collaborative work with interactive displays in conjunction with "Mensch und Computer 2012".

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ICIDM 2012 - 1st International Conference on Interactive Digital Media

The Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia (GMM), Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in collaboration with School of Professional & Continuing Education (UTMSPACE) announce the International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM 2012) to be held on 3-4 December 2012 at the Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia. ICIDM 2012 brings an opportunity to invite new innovative invention on Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Human Computer Interaction and Web technology.

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Live Interfaces - Performance, Art, Music 2012

Live Interfaces is an academic conference on live, technology-mediated interaction in performance. The conference will seek cross-disciplinary understanding of performance technology, giving particular attention to issues surrounding liveness in interaction.

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Games for Collective Intelligence - 1st International Workshop on Systems with Homo Ludens in the Loop

With recent advances in harnessing the knowledge and skill of large groups of (unknown) network-connected humans, researchers and practitioners have been designing systems that make contributions of users entertaining and more engaging. Co-located with ICEC 2012.

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MobileHCI 2012 - The 14th ACM SIGCHI's International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services

MobileHCI is a conference in the field of Human Computer Interaction concerned with portable and personal devices and with the services to which they enable access. Mobile HCI provides a multidisciplinary forum for academics, hardware and software developers, designers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with and through mobile devices, applications, and services.

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MUME 2012 - 1st International Workshop on Musical Metacreation

Held at the Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE'12)

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Computer Games Workshop at ECAI 2012

A workshop on computer games is to be held at ECAI 2012 in Montpellier. The topics of the workshop concern all aspects of artificial intelligence for computer games. It is a one day workshop held at either August 27th or 28th.

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VR 2013 - IEEE Virtual Reality 2013

IEEE VR 2013 seeks original, high-quality papers in all areas related to virtual reality, including work on augmented reality, mixed reality, and 3D user interfaces.

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ACE 2012

CE 2012 will bring together leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present their innovative work and discuss all aspects and challenges of interactive entertainment technology.

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FDG 2013 - 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games

FDG 2013, the 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, is a focal point for academic efforts in all areas of research and education involving games, game technologies, gameplay, and game design.

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VRCAI 2012 - 11th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry

As a joint conference of SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012, VRCAI 2012 will take place just after SIGGRAPH Asia 2012. There will be industrial workshops on the first day and scientific sessions on the next days.

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GD&MDSD - 2nd Workshop on Game Development and Model-Driven Software Development

It is co-located with the 11th International Conference of Entertainment Computing (ICEC) in Bremen, Germany.

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MICCAI 2012 - 15th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention

MICCAI attracts annually world leading scientists, engineers and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines associated with medical imaging and computer assisted surgery.

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TP.CG.2012 - Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics

The aim of this conference is to focus on theoretical and practical aspects of Computer Graphics and to bring together top practitioners, users and researchers, which will hopefully inspire further collaboration between participants particularly between academia and industry.

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Pacific Graphics 2012 - The 20th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications

Pacific Graphics (PG) is an annual international conference on computer graphics and applications. As a series, Pacific Graphics provides a forum for researchers, developers, practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.

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SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 - 5th ACM Siggraph Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia

The SIGGRAPH Asia conference features innovative contributions from artists, designers, animators, researchers, and developers both from the industry and academia.

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AmI 2012 - International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence

The AmI-12 conference brings together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia working in the field of technologies and applications of Ambient Intelligence. Ambient Intelligence represents a vision of the future where we shall be surrounded by invisible technological means, sensitive and responsive to people and their behaviors, deliver advanced functions, services and experiences. Ambient intelligence combines concepts of ubiquitous technology, intelligent systems and advanced user interfaces putting the humans in the center of technological developments.

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AmGam'12 - Second International Workshop on Ambient Gaming

Ambient games are games and playful activities that offer context-aware and personalized features. They allow players to move around freely, without being bound by a computer screen or another device, by using information coming from sensors embedded in the environment. Because play and games can be incorporated in everyday objects and routines, they allow players to play throughout the day. Ambient gaming offers promising opportunities for creating novel and unique player experiences. However, there are still many unanswered questions related to this new field of research, for instance related to gamification, personalisation and adaptation, aspects and issues of control and privacy.

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AxI '12 - International Workshop on Aesthetic Intelligence

The workshop aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines to discuss the interrelation of functional, architectural, and aesthetic factors and their consequences for the design, use and acceptance of Ambient Intelligence environments.

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ISWC 2013 - The 17th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC)

ISWC brings together researchers, product vendors, fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and related professionals to share information and advances in wearable computing.

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EuroITV 2013 - 11th European Interactive TV Conference

EuroITV an international conference for media and interaction related to video and television.

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DNIS 2013 - 8th International Workshop on Databases in Networked Information Systems (DNIS)

The workshop will focus on data semantics and infrastructure for information management and interchange.

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3DUI 2013 - IEEE 8th Symposium on 3D User Interfaces

The IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2013 is the eighth international symposium focused on the topic of 3D User Interfaces (3D UI). It provides an opportunity for industrial and academic researchers to exchange about the state-of-the-art 3DUI research.

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MobileHCI 2013 - 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services

MobileHCI is a conference in the field of Human Computer Interaction concerned with portable and personal devices and with the services to which they enable access.

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CVRB 2013 - 1st International Conference on Virtual Reality and Broadcasting

Celebrating the 10 year anniversary, JVRB is organizing an international conference on VR and Broadcasting that is held in conjuction with Marie Curie Researcher's night.

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SCCG 2013 - 29th Spring conference on Computer Graphics

The Spring Conference on Computer Graphics attempts to cover all interesting projects from computer graphics, image processing and applications. The philosophy of SCCG is to put together top experts with young researchers in CG and to support a good communication channel for East-West exchange of prospective ideas.

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CESCG 2013 - 17th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics 2013

The main idea of CESCG is to bring undergraduate students who are interested in computer graphics together across the borders of universities and countries. The seminar is also intended to be an international event, where students can present their excellent work to other students. Actively participating students are, therefore, required to have studied computer science (or something similar) for at least five or six semesters. Sufficient expertise in giving a talk as well as reasonable knowledge of the English language is also required for active participation.

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EGPGV 2013 - 13th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization

The Symposium will be held in conjunction with Eurographics 2013.

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SIBGRAPI 2013 - 26th Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images

The Conference on Graphics, Patterns, and Images is the 26th edition of the formerly Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing conference annually promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), through its special interest group on Graphics and Image Processing (CEGRAPI).

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UbiComp 2013 - ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2013)

Following several successful collaborations as part of the Pervasive conference series, UbiComp 2013 will continue the tradition of collocating with ISWC 2013.

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