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CASA 2012 - 25th Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents

CASA 2012 will provide an opportunity to interact with leading experts, share one's work, and educate oneself through exposure to the research of your peers from around the world.

What Conference
When 2012-05-09 to
Where Singapore, Singapore
Contact Name Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Ying-Qing Xu, HyungSeok Kim
Contact Email
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Topics include:

Computer Animation

  • Motion Control
  • Motion Capture and Retargeting
  • Path Planning
  • Physics-based Animation
  • Vision-based Techniques
  • Behavioral Animation
  • Artificial Life
  • Deformation
  • Facial Animation
  • Image-based Animation
  • Multi-Resolution and Multi-Scale Models
  • Knowledge-based Animation, etc.

Social Agents

  • Social Agents and Avatars
  • Emotion and Personality
  • Virtual Humans
  • Autonomous Actors
  • AI-based Animation
  • Social and Conversational Agents
  • Inter-Agent Communication
  • Social Behavior
  • Crowd Simulation
  • Understanding Human Activity
  • Memory and Long-term Interaction, etc.

Other Related Topics

  • Animation Compression and Transmission
  • Semantics and Ontologies for Virtual Humans/Environments
  • Animation Analysis and Structuring
  • Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
  • Acquisition and Reconstruction of Animation Data
  • Level of Details
  • Semantic Representation of Motion and Animation
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Interaction for Virtual Humans
  • 3D Physiological Humans
  • 3D Telepresence
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, etc.

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