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VR 2012 - IEEE Virtual Reality 2012

IEEE VR 2012: international conference and exhibition on virtual reality.

What Conference
When 2012-03-04 to
Where Orange County, CA, USA
Contact Name Carlo H. Sequin, David J. Kasik, James J. Blascovich
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Topics include:

  • Immersive gaming
  • VR systems and toolkits
  • Computer graphics techniques
  • Immersive projection technology
  • Serious games
  • Tracking and Sensing
  • User studies and Evaluation
  • Navigation
  • 3D Interaction for VR
  • Augmented and mixed reality
  • Advanced display technology
  • Multi-user and distributed VR and gaming
  • Haptics, audio and other non-visual interfaces
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Presence and Cognition
  • Applications of AR/MR/VR

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