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TEI 2012 - Sixth international conference on tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction

The work presented at TEI addresses HCI issues, design, interactive art, user experience, tools and technologies, with a strong focus on how computing can bridge atoms and bits into cohesive interactive systems.

What Conference
When 2012-02-19 to
Where Kingston, ON, Canada
Contact Name Roel Vertegaal
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Topics include:

  • Case studies and evaluations of working deployments
  • Analysis of key challenges, proposals of research agenda
  • Relation of tangible and embedded interaction to other paradigms
  • Programming paradigms and tools, toolkits, software architectures
  • Novel interactive uses of sensors+actuators, electronics+mechatronics
  • Design guidelines, methods, and processes
  • Novel application areas, innovative systems, industrial applications
  • Theoretical foundations, frameworks, and concepts
  • Philosophical, ethical & social implications
  • Interfaces specific in form and context to particular cultures
  • Advantages, weakness, affordances of tangible, embedded and embodied interaction
  • Learning from the role of physicality in everyday environments
  • Embodied interaction, movement, and choreography of interaction
  • Organic User Interfaces: flexible, non-flat or actuated display interfaces
  • Role of physicality for human perception, cognition and experience
  • Teaching experiences, lessons learned, and best practices
  • Standardization, production, and business applications

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