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ISWC 2012 - Sixteenth annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers

ISWC 2012, the sixteenth annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers, is the a forum for wearable computing and issues related to on-body and worn mobile technologies. ISWC brings together researchers, product vendors, fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and related professionals to share information and advances in wearable computing. ISWC invites submissions on everything related to computing on the body: “on-the-go” uses of mobile phones, on-body sensing, wearables for professional use, mobile healthcare, entertainment, cloud computing, etc.... See the lists under “Areas of Interest” below for more.

What Symposium
When 2012-06-18 to
Where Newcastle, UK
Contact Name Oliver Amft
Contact Email
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Areas of Interest

Wearable Systems

  • Wearable system design, wearable displays and electronic textiles
  • Wearable sensors, actuators, input/output devices and power management systems
  • Interaction design, industrial design of wearable systems
  • Wearable sensor networks for sensing context-awareness, activity or cognitive state
  • Software and service architectures, infrastructure based as well as ad-hoc systems
  • Operating systems issues related to wearable computing, including issues such as dependability, fault tolerance, security, trustworthiness and power management
  • Networks, including wireless networks, on-body networks, and support for interaction with other wearables, pervasive and ubiquitous computing systems or the Internet
  • Wearables and the Cloud
  • Cooperative wearables, ensembles of wearable artifacts, coordination or wearables
  • Techniques for power management and heat dissipation, and manufacturing issues

Usability, HCI and Human Factors in Wearable Computing

  • Human factors issues with and ergonomics of body worn computing systems
  • User modeling, user evaluation, usability engineering of wearable systems
  • Systems and designs for combining wearable and pervasive/ubiquitous computing
  • Interfaces, including hands-free approaches, speech-based interaction, sensory augmentation, haptics, and human-centered robotics
  • Social implications, health risk, environmental and privacy issues
  • Wearable technology for social-network computing, visualization and augmentation
  • Experience design

Applications of Wearable Systems

  • Wearable systems in consumer, industrial, work, manufacturing, environmental, educational, medical, sports, wellness, health care and ambient assisted living domains
  • Wearable systems in culture, fashion and the arts
  • Smart clothing, for people with disabilities, and for elderly enablement
  • Use of wearable computers as components of larger systems, such as augmented reality systems, training systems and systems designed to support collaborative work
  • Wearables for entertainment
  • Formal evaluation of performance of wearable computer technologies, and comparisons with existing technologies

Mobile Phones as Wearables

  • Mobile applications designed for / delivered through cell phones
  • Cell phone services, cell phone designs, cell phones as personal computers
  • Cell phone technologies, e.g. combining short and long range radios, multimedia streaming
  • Extending cell phone hardware e.g. sensing, novel IO modalities, embeddings
  • Cell phone interaction, cooperative cell phones, grids and clouds of cell phones
  • Studies based on cell phone deployments (especially large scale)

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