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ICIDM 2012 - 1st International Conference on Interactive Digital Media

The Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia (GMM), Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in collaboration with School of Professional & Continuing Education (UTMSPACE) announce the International Conference on Interactive Digital Media (ICIDM 2012) to be held on 3-4 December 2012 at the Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Malaysia. ICIDM 2012 brings an opportunity to invite new innovative invention on Computer Graphics, Image Processing, Human Computer Interaction and Web technology.

What Conference
When 2012-12-03 to
Where Langkawi, Malaysia
Contact Name Mohd Shafry Mohd Rahim
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Topics include:

  • Computer Graphics, Animation and Social Agent
    • Motion Control
    • Motion Capture and Retargeting
    • Path Planning
    • Physics-based Animation
    • Vision-based Techniques
    • Behavioural Animation
    • Social Agents and Avatars
    • Emotion and Personality
    • Virtual Humans
    • Autonomous Actors
    • AI-based Animation
    • Social and Conversational Agents
    • Inter-Agent Communication
    • Social Behaviour
    • Crowd Simulation
    • Understanding Human Activity
    • Memory and Long-term Interaction
    • Fundamental algorithms for computer graphics and computer vision
    • Model representation and simplification
    • Parametric curves and surfaces
    • Illumination techniques
    • Colours and colour systems
    • 3D scene reconstruction
    • Augmented/Mixed Reality
    • Animation Compression and Transmission
    • Semantics and Ontology’s for Virtual Humans/Environments
    • Animation Analysis and Structuring
    • Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
    • Acquisition and Reconstruction of Animation Data
    • Level of Details Artificial Life
    • Deformation
    • Facial Animation
    • Image-based Animation
    • Multi-Resolution and Multi-Scale Models
    • Knowledge-based Animation
    • Semantic Representation of Motion and Animation
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Interaction for Virtual Humans
    • 3D Physiological Humans
    • 3D Telepresence
    • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
    • Scientific and technical visualization
    • Information visualization
    • Mobile graphics and vision system
    • Industrial application of computer graphics and vision
    • Medical Visualization
  • Image and Speech Processing
    • Image Acquisition and Display: imaging sensors and acquisition systems; sampling, scanning and quantization; colour reproduction; image rendering; display and printing systems; evaluation of image quality.
    • Image and Video Analysis: low-level feature extraction – colour, texture and shape; high-level semantics; pattern recognition and classification; motion analysis and object tracking; object, event and scene recognition.
    • Emerging Technologies in DSP: chaos theory and fractals; higher-order statistical techniques; multi-resolution and wavelet analysis; nonlinear signal processing.
    • Applied Signal Processing: signal processing for life sciences data; forensic signal analysis; radar and array processing; seismic signal processing; speech and music processing, smart grid applications.
    • Image and Video Processing: image filtering; enhancement and restoration; image and video segmentation; image registration; stereoscopic and 3-D processing; video and image sequence processing; morphological processing.
    • Storage and Retrieval: Image, audio and video databases; multidimensional indexing; content-based retrieval; semantics retrieval; automatic image and video annotation.
    • Signal Processing in Communications: baseband communications; coding theory; digital communications; information theory; software radio; wireless communications.
  • Human Computer Interaction
    • Adaptive and personalized interfaces
    • Analysis and design methods
    • Architectures for interaction
    • Computer–augmented environments
    • Computer–based learning
    • Ecological interfaces
    • Emotions in HCI
    • Evaluation methods and techniques
    • Gesture and eye–gaze based interaction
    • Graphical user interface
    • Tangible user interfaces
    • User support systems
    • HCI standards
    • Home and entertainment systems
    • Intelligent and agent systems
    • Interaction design
    • Interaction through wireless communication networks
    • Interfaces for distributed environments
    • Multimedia design
    • Non–verbal interfaces
    • Speech and natural language interfaces
    • Support for creativity
    • User interface development environments

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