Past Conferences 2008
Up one level- 3DUI'08 - The third IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 2008
- Topics include: - 3D input devices - 3D display devices - 3D interaction techniques - 3D user interface metaphors - Collaborative 3D interaction - Evaluation methods for 3D UIs - Applications of 3D UI techniques
- I3D 2008 - Symposium on interactive 3D Graphics and Games
- Topics include: - 3D game techniques - interactive modeling - level-of-detail approaches - pre-computed lighting - visibility computation - real-time surface shading - fast shadows, caustics and reflections - imposters and image-based techniques - animated models - interaction devices and techniques - GPU techniques - navigation methods - interactive visualization - virtual and augmented reality - user studies of interactive techniques and applications
- Symposium Virtual Worlds in Arts and Culture (Virtuelle Welten in Kunst und Kultur)
- This symposium takes place in the scope of the project "virtualization of sculpture" and is the second sympopsium organized by the project group. Further information is available in German only.
- 3DTV Conference 2008
- Topics include: 3D Capture and Processing - 3D time-varying scene capture technology - Multi-camera recording - 3D photography algorithms - Dense stereo and 3D reconstruction - Synchronization and calibration of camera arrays - 3D view registration - Multi-view geometry and calibration - Holographic camera techniques - 3D motion analysis and tracking - Surface modeling for 3D scenes - Multi-view image and 3D data processing - Integral imaging techniques 3D Transmission - Systems, architecture and transmission in 3D - 3D streaming - Error-related issues and handling of 3D video - Hologram compression - Multi-view video coding - 3D mesh compression - Multiple description coding for 3D - Signal processing for diffraction and holographic 3DTV 3D Visualization - 3D mesh representation - Texture and point representation - Object-based representation and segmentation - Volume representation - 3D motion animation - Stereoscopic display techniques - Holographic display technology - Reduced parallax systems - Underlying optics and VLSI technology - Projection and display technology for 3D videos - Integral imaging techniques - Human factors 3D Applications - 3D imaging in virtual heritage and virtual archaeology - 3D Teleimmersion and remote collaboration - Augmented reality and virtual environments - 3D television, cinema, games and entertainment - Underlying technologies for 3DTV - Medical and biomedical applications - 3D Content-based retrieval and recognition - 3D Watermarking
- Pacific Vis 2008 - IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
- Topics Include: - GPU rendering and visualization - Graph drawing - Information visualization - Large data visualization - Parallel visualization - Scientific visualization - Usability and visualization systems - Visual analytics - Visual-based knowledge discovery - Visual data mining - Visualization algorithms - Visualization applications - Volume visualization and modeling
- Eurographics 2008
- Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting research contributions, practiceand experience, or novel applications. Papers are sought in all areas of Computer Graphics: rendering, modeling, animation, interactive techniques, virtual reality, visualization, and other relevant topic areas. Moreover, the 2008 edition will have a special focus on the cross-fertilization between CG, computer vision and human-computer interaction.
- GDC 2008 - Game Developers Conference
- Topics include: - Audio - Business and Management - Game Design - Game Programming - Production - Vision - Visual Arts - Serious Gaming
- SVR 2008 - 10th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Topics include: - Virtual Reality - Augmented reality - Mixed reality; - Artificial life - Collaborative Virtual Environments; - Innovations in 3D input and output - Haptics - Interactive modeling, rendering, and animation; - Internet-based 3D applications; - Multimodal Interaction; - Networked virtual environments; - Real Time simulation, animation and visualization; - Real-time graphics techniques; - Social, economical and technical impacts of virtual reality; - Video-based Interaction; - Virtual humans and avatars; - VRML, X3D and related web-based technologies.
- EGVE 2008 - 14th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
- Topics include: - Interaction techniques for VR - Tracking & Sensing - Immersive projection technologies - Haptics, audio and multimodal interfaces - VR system architecture and development - 3D input and output devices - Augmented and mixed reality (AR and MR) - Collaborative and distributed VR - User studies and evaluation - Presence and cognition - Interactive rendering, modeling and simulation - VR, AR, and MR applications
- VRIC 2008 - 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality (Laval Virtual)
- Topics include: - 3D Interaction (3D User Interfaces, 3D Interaction Devices, 3D Interaction Techniques, 3D Interaction Evaluation) - Education, training and employment (Virtual Environments for Human Training, Virtual Reality for learning, learning transfer, serious games, knowledge representation, intelligent tutoring system, artificial intelligence, Personal Development, Coaching) - Virtual Humanoids (Expressive Autonomous Characters, Avatars, Human Motion Control, Behaviour Modelling, Interactivity between humans and objects) - VR for better Living and Aging (VR, Cognitive and Motor training, Rehabilitation, Physical activity, Neurological Disease and Trauma, Disability, Aging, Accessibility) - Last trends in VR & AR (Virtual & Augmented Reality, Research, Applications, Interfaces) - Virtual reality and the agricultural world (Agriculture, Simulation, Training, GPS, Weather Forecast, the farm of tomorrow)
- EuroVis 2008
- Topics include: - Theoretical foundations of visualization - Perception in visualization - Usability and human factors in visualization - Non-spatial data visualization - Information visualization - Software visualization - Visual analytics - Graph visualization - Time series data visualization - Spatial data visualization - Surface extraction - Volume visualization - Medical and biomedical visualization - Vector/Tensor field visualization - Flow visualization - Multi-field visualization - Time-varying visualization - GPU based visualization - Large data visualization - Feature extraction - Illustrative visualization - Uncertainty visualization - Visualization systems
- 3IA 2008 - 11th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence
- Topics include: - Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures - Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modelling - Computer graphics and machine learning - Declarative techniques in scene modelling - Scene properties description techniques - Intelligent visualisation - Intelligent methods for exploring virtual worlds - Intelligent collaborative design - Design of intelligent graphic interfaces - Behavioural animation - Animation and artificial intelligence - Scene understanding - Semantics-based approaches in design - Decision support systems in design - Knowledge-based design and rendering - Intelligent Computational aesthetics - Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS - Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics & medical informatics
- SCCG 2008 - Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
- Topics include: - graphics hardware - rendering algorithms - illumination and shading - geometric modeling - physical based modeling - user interfaces - animation techniques - volume visualization - virtual reality techniques - photo-realistic rendering - theoretical foundations - graphics applications - graphics systems - shape abstraction and modeling - image processing - computer vision - image understanding
- Computer Games & Allied Technology 08: International Conference and Symposium on Computer Games; Animation, Multimedia, IPTV, Edutainment and Security
- Topics include: - Gaming - Mobile, PC, Online, Consolet - Aesthetic Approaches to Game Design & Development - Storytelling and Narrative Landscapes - Design Documentation - Games Simulations and Dynamic Models - Interactive Simulations - Tools and Systems for Games and Virtual Reality - Intelligent Agents and Gamebots - Gaming – Hardware and Accessories - Graphics & Visualisation - Texture and Shader Programming - Stereographics in Real Time - Cinematography - Sound Design and Music Systems - Multichanel Audio - Audio Techniques for Racing Games - Media Theory - Interactive Dynamic Response for Games - Mapping the Mental Space of Game Genres - Cultural and Media Studies on Computer Games - Experiential Spatiality in Games - Player Behavior and Consumer Demographics - Game Development Contract Outsourcing - Project Funding and Financing - Social/Humanities Aspects of Games - Cheat Codes -To Cheat or Not to Cheat - Mobile and Multiuser Games - IPTV and Service Convergence - Pay-As-You-Play and IPTV - Academic Courses for Game Design & Development - Multiuser Virtual Environments (Muves) in Education - Learning to Play or Learning through Play - Game Security - Games and Intellectual Property Rights - Laws, Regulations, Certifications and Policies for Gaming - Censorship of Video Games Content - Artificial Intelligence - Art, Design and New Media - Education, Training, and Edutainment Technologies - Human Factors of Games - Sound and Music
- Graphics Interface 2008 - 34th Graphics Interface conference
- Topics include: - Shading and rendering - Geometric modeling and meshing - Graphics in simulation - Image-based rendering - Image synthesis and realism - Medical and scientific visualization - Computer animation - Real-time rendering - Non-photorealistic rendering - Scientific and information visualization - Interaction techniques - Computer-supported cooperative work - Human interface devices - Virtual reality - Augmented reality - Data and information visualization - Multimedia - Mobile computing - Haptic and tangible interfaces - Perception
- ICME 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo
- Topics include: - Speech, audio, image, video processing and coding - Virtual reality and 3-D imaging - Signal processing for media integration - Multimedia communications and networking - Multimedia security and content protection - Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction - Multimedia databases - Hardware and software for multimedia systems - Multimedia standards and related issues - Multimedia applications - Medical signal processing
- AMDO 2008 - V Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects
- Topics include: Track 1: Computer Graphics (Human Modelling & Animation) Track 2: Human Motion (Analysis, Tracking, 3D Reconstruction & Recognition) Track 3: Multimodal User Interaction (VR & AR, Speech, Biometrics) Track 4: Advanced Multimedia Systems (Standards, Indexed Video Contents)
- EDT - IPT 2008 - 4th Workshop on Emerging Display Technologies and 10th Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology
- Topics inlcude: - multiview, multifocal, or high dynamic range displays; - omnistereo projection systems; - ad hoc or "poor man's" projection systems; - ultra wide field of view HMD optics; - ultra fast displays; - head-worn or hand-held (mobile) paradigms; - hybrid display systems and applications; - displays with integrated interaction components; - adaptive projector display systems; - extended color gamut or color matching displays; - projector-based user/device tracking or interaction; - embedded pixels for Spatially-Augmented Reality; and - rendering techniques associated with the above.
- Visualization in the World 2008
- On April 24 and 25, 2008, the Charlotte Visualization Center (VisCenter) will host the "Visualization in the World" Symposium with leading scientists in the field of visualization. The symposium will address not only visualization and its uses but also the environment within which it is embedded; and how the current or potential interactions across domains in this milieu are of interest.
- NPAR 2008 - 6th Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
- Topics include: - Simulation of traditional and new graphical styles - Simulation of natural media - Hardware-accelerated algorithms - Level-of-detail in image space - Abstraction and composition in rendered images - Synthesis of stroke-based patterns - Style transfer - Automatic painting from photographs and video - Temporal and spatial coherence in non-photorealistic rendering - Motion blur and depth of field in non-photorealistic images - Lighting models for NPAR - Non-traditional perspective - Animation systems - Computer-aided cartoon animation - 2D/3D integration - Live-action integration - Computer-aided in-betweening - Computer-aided layout - Matting and compositing - Image-based rendering - Rendering languages and systems - Practical NPAR applications
- Graphics Hardware 2008
- Topics inlcude: - Graphics hardware architectures - Hardware and software for real-time ray-tracing - Programming models and techniques for data-parallel problems - Software-hardware interfaces - Shading language implementation - Performance measurement, modeling, and optimization - Exploitation of new memory technologies for 3D graphics - Graphics for mobile devices and integrated chipsets - Support for general primitives (splines, points, volumes, ) - Space, screen, and model partitioning - HW-related compression/decompression techniques - Hardware support for video processing - Novel display technologies - General-purpose computing on graphics hardware requiring new and non-obvious algorithmic approaches
- SPM'08 - ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium 2008
- Topics include: - Geometric and topological representations of solids - Model acquisition, editing, compression, and transmission - Multi-resolution models of geometry and topology - Curves and surfaces - Heterogeneous models of physical objects and properties - Computational geometry and applications - Geometric computation and processing - Physics-based modeling and design - Shape modeling, synthesis, analysis, and visualization - Reverse engineering, model reconstruction from samples - Dimensioning, tolerancing, and constraints - Conceptual design and multi-disciplinary optimization - Product data exchange, standards, and interoperability - Haptic interfaces and user interaction in 3D design - Collaborative and distributed design - Virtual environments and prototypes - Design and simulation of flexible components - Product and assembly modeling - New prototyping and manufacturing technologies - Biomedical and imaging applications - Geo-scientific applications - Digital entertainment applications - Static or dynamic geometry - Simulation, animation, and interactive techniques
- 26th Computer Graphics International Conference CGI'2008
- Topics include: - Graphics Systems Architeture - Rendering Techniques - Geometric Computing - Shape and Surface Modeling - Physically Based Modeling - Scientific Visualization - Multimedia and Digital Media - Image Based Rendering - Computer Animation - Interaction Techniques and HCI - Stylized Rendering - Virtual and Augmented Reality - Point-based Graphics - Computer Vision - Data Compression for Graphics - Web Graphics - Graphic Toolkits - Computer Graphics Applications
- Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
- Topics include: - Multimodal interfaces for sketching - Novel sketch input devices - Novel pen-based interaction techniques - Low level ink processing and pen stroke segmentation - Sketch parsing, classification and recognition - Sketch-based interfaces for CAD systems - Sketch-based modeling and editing of 3D shapes - Sketch-based control of animations - Sketch-based interfaces for other applications (surface editing, diagram creation, mathematical annotations, games, etc.) - Rendering techniques for sketch-based systems (NPR) - Sketches for Medical and Volume data editing - Sketch-based retrieval of multimedia information - Usability studies of sketch-based systems - Studies of the impact of sketching on creativity and design
- 3DPVT 2008 - Fourth International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
- Topics include: - 3D scanning components, software, and systems - 3D view registration - 3D photography algorithms - Multi-view geometry and calibration - 3D shape retrieval and recognition - Shape reconstruction from point-clouds - Shape registration and similarity measures - Interpolation, smoothing, and feature extraction - Shape analysis and morphology - Medial axis and segmentation - Statistical analysis of families of shapes - Simplification and resampling of shapes with photometric data - Compression and transmission of still and dynamic 3D scenes - Streaming and progressive refinements - 3D Video - Image-based rendering and modeling - Interactive visualization of complex scenes - Multi-resolution rendering - Haptic sensors and new human-shape interaction modalities - Psychophysics of 3D sensing and haptics - 3D printing and rapid prototyping - Augmented reality and virtual environments - 3D tele-immersion and remote collaboration
- Innovative computer-based music interfaces (ICMI)
- for interface designers, musicians, computer scientists, media artists: topics include: - design of computer-based music synthesis - implementation and design of music interfaces - technical/musical expression [Further information in German only]
- CIT 2008 - IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
- Topics include: - Database and Data Mining - Internet and Web Applications - High Performance Computing - Networking and Mobile Computing - Multimedia Systems - Computer Graphics and Information Visualization - IT in Biomedicine - Visual Analysis - Information Systems - Image Processing - Information Security - Embedded Systems - Software Engineering - Ubiquitous and Sensor Network - Service Oriented Computing - VLSI and Design Methodology - Video Surveillance
- CVPR 2008 - IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Topics include: - Biometrics - Video Surveillance and Monitoring - Color and Texture - Segmentation - Motion and Tracking Stereo and Structure from Motion - Image-Based Modeling - Illumination and Reflectance Modeling - Shape Representation - Multi-view Geometry - Pattern Recognition in New Modalities - Cognitive and Biologically-inspired Vision - Knowledge Representation and High-Level Vision - Object Recognition - Object Detection and Categorization - Video Analysis and Event Recognition - Face and Gesture - Statistical Methods and Learning - Performance Evaluation - Medical Image Analysis - Image and Video Retrieval - Document Recognition - Biomedical Imaging New and Emerging Applications - Perceptual Grouping
- Edutainment 2008 - The 3rd International Conference on E-learning and Game
- Edutainment 2008 is the third International Conference on E-learning and Games, which is an international forum for researchers to share their latest research output on the development and application of e-learning and digital entertainment systems. Edutainment 2008 will be held at Nanjing Normal University in June 16-18, 2008. The conference will include plenary invited talks, workshops, tutorials, paper presentation tracks and panel discussions. Three to six keynote speakers will be invited. Topics include: - E-Learning Platforms and Tools - Learning Resource Management - Practice and Experience Sharing - E-Learning Standards - Mobile Learning - Education and Remote Classrooms - Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Education - Life Long Learning - Collaborative Environments - Remote Group Simulations - Collaborative Learning - Virtual Reality in Education - Game Design and Development - Game Engine Development and Customization - Game AI and Artificial Life - Game Physics - Game Rendering/Animations - Virtual Characters/Agents - Online/Mobile Game/ Video Game - Storytelling and Game Narrative - Affective Interaction in Games - Digital Museum - Digital Heritage - Animation Techniques - Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality - Vision and Imaging Technology in Games - Synergies between Digital TV and Edutainment
- TPCG 2008 - The sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference
- Topics include: - computer animation - computer-based art and entertainment - computational geometry - display technologies - fundamental algorithms - graphics application systems - graphics architectures and acceleration hardware - fractal and natural phenomena - human computer interaction - image processing - Internet graphics and collaborative environments - medical imaging - modelling methods - rendering techniques - texture synthesis - scientific visualization - information visualization - virtual reality and virtual environments - volume graphics - web graphics
- EuroITV 2008 - European Interactive TV Conference 2008
- Topics include: - Beyond the home context, extended home, Mobile TV - Ambient intelligence, ambient media environments - Social TV, sociability, usability and user experience - Digital content production, HDTV and digital cinema - Asset management, metadata and content enrichment - Entertainment computing, games, betting, game shows - Broadband and IPTV - 3DTV and VR systems - Audience research, ethnography, user studies - New advertising and revenue models for television - Accessibility, universal access, multimodal interaction - Business models, media management, media economics, t-commerce, t-learning - Web2.0, user-generated content - Communication services, video conferencing, messaging - Content management, digital rights management - Interactive storytelling, interactive advertising - Electronic program guide, video search, video navigation - Enhanced TV (news, weather, sports) - Changes in technical requirements and infrastructures (ubiquitous and mobile) - Standards (TV-Anytime, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, SMIL) - Multimedia, graphics, broadcast and video technology - Personalization, user modelling, intelligent user interfaces - Ethical, regulatory and policy issues
- EGSR08 - 19th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
- Topics include: - Global illumination - Monte Carlo techniques - Finite element techniques - Volume scattering and translucency - Reflectance and scattering models - Human perception and error measures - Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing - Shadows and visibility - Texture models, analysis, and synthesis - Computational photography - Non-photorealistic rendering - Image-based measurement and rendering - Sensing for graphics - Point-based rendering - New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware - Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing - Systems and software architecture for rendering - Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems - Rendering dynamic/animated environments
- GraphiCon 2008 - 18th international conference on Computer Graphics
- Topics include: - Geometry modeling and processing - Photorealistic rendering techniques - Scientific visualization - Image-based techniques - Computer graphics for mobile devices - Computer graphics hardware - Graphics in computer games - Animation and simulation - Virtual and augmented reality - Medical image processing - Early vision and image representation - Tracking and surveillance - Segmentation and grouping - Image enhancement, restoration and super-resolution - 3D reconstruction and acquisition - Object localization and recognition - Multi-sensor fusion and 3-D registration - Structure from motion and stereo - Scene modeling - Statistical Methods and Learning
- 2nd CAE Forum 2008 - Simulation Driven Product Development
- Topics include: - importance of CAE in industry - strategies for the further development of CAE - influence of CAE on production and developemnt - contributions for an increase in profitability in product development (Further information in German only)
- IVEVA 2008 - The International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Environments and Virtual Agents
- Topics include: - Agents applications - Virtual assistants, avatars, believable agents - Speech and language for virtual agents - Multimodal Human/Agent Interaction - Communicative Agents in Intelligent Virtual Environments - Design and Implementation of Intelligent Virtual Environments - Web based Virtual Environments - Artificial life - Human machine interaction - Education - Telerobotics - Intelligent Tutoring Systems - Virtual Laboratories - Intelligent Interfaces - Emotion architectures - Virtual Heritage - Emergent Narrative - Self-Animate Characters - Agents in Videogames - Planning in Video games
- ECAG'08 - Facial and Bodily Expressions for Control and Adaptation of Games
- Workshop organized in conjunction with the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Many interactive systems observe the human body and face and use these as a means for input. Examples are playing a boxing game using body movements, mimicking the user's facial expressions in Second Life, controlling a robot in a home environment, or adapting the teaching strategy based on the detection of frustration in a tutoring application. In these examples, observations of the face and body are used in different forms, depending on whether the user has the initiative and consciously uses his or her movements and expressions to control the interface or whether the application takes the initiative to adapt itself to the affective state of the user as it can be interpreted from the user's expressive behavior.
- FG2008 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
- 1. Face Recognition/Analysis - Tracking/detection - Recognition - Expression analysis - 3D analysis - Psychological Analysis - Databases 2. Gesture Recognition/Analysis - Gesture interpretation - Head tracking - Arm/limb and body analysis/tracking - Psychological Analysis - Databases 3. Body Motion Analysis - Human motion analysis - Gait recognition - 3D movement and gait analysis - Psychological Analysis 4. Methodology - Sensors - Feature analysis - Fusion of modalities 5. Animation - Face animation - Body animation - Markup languages for animation 6. Applications - Biometric applications - Surveillance - Human-Computer Interaction - Virtual Characters and Second Life - Smart Environments - Personal Wellness, Mental and Physical Health - Education
- MICCAI 2008 - 11th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
- Topics include: - General Medical Image Computing - Computer Assisted Interventional Systems and Robotics - Visualization and Interaction - General Biological and Neuroscience Image Computing - Computational Anatomy (statistics on anatomy) - Computational Physiology (virtual organs) - Innovative Clinical and Biological Applications
- ECCV 2008 - The 10th European Conference on Computer Vision
- Topics inlcude: - Sensors and Early Vision - Color and Texture - Segmentation and Grouping - Motion and Tracking - Stereo and Structure from Motion - Image-Based Modeling - Illumination and Reflectance Modeling - Shape Representation - Object Recognition - Video Analysis and Event Recognition - Face and Gesture - Statistical Methods and Learning - Performance Evaluation - Applications, including Medical Image Analysis - Image and Video Retrieval
- ICIP 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
- Topics include: - Image/video coding and transmission: Still image coding, video coding, stereoscopic and 3-D coding, distributed source coding, image/video transmission over wireless networks - Image/video processing: Image filtering, restoration and enhancement, image segmentation, video segmentation and tracking, morphological processing, stereoscopic and 3-D processing, feature extraction and analysis, interpolation and super-resolution, motion detection and estimation, implementation and systems - Image formation: Biomedical imaging, remote sensing, geophysical and seismic imaging, optimal imaging, synthetic-natural hybrid image systems - Image scanning, display, and printing: Scanning and sampling, quantization and halftoning, color reproduction, image representation and rendering, display and printing systems, image quality assessment - Image/video storage, retrieval, and authentication: Image and video databases, image indexing and retrieval, video indexing, retrieval and editing, multimodality image/video indexing and retrieval, authentication and watermarking - Applications: Biomedical sciences, geosciences and remote sensing, document image processing and analysis, other applications
- Cyberworlds 2008
- Topics include: - Philosophy, evolution, and ethics of Cyberworlds - Cyberworldsand their impact on the real worlds - Telemedicine, healthcare in Cyberworlds - Mobile computing, mobile graphics, mobile game - E-learning, Web-based learning, and edutainment - Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds - Digital watermarking, Internet security, information hiding - Distributed virtual environments - Cyber fairs and digital museums - Game engine, game algorithm, and multi-user web games - VR/AR/MR for Industrial design, digital heritage - Shared virtual worlds, Collaborative work using Cyberworlds - Human animation in Cyberworlds - Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed Reality - Computer vision for Cyberworlds - Cyberethics and cyber laws - Communication in Cyberworlds - Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds - Bioinformatics for cyberlife and medicine - E-business in Cyberworlds - Cyberworlds for manufacturing, civil planning and bioengineering - Multimedia information retrieval/indexing in Cyberworlds - Biometrics in Cyberworlds
- Workshop Virtual Prototyping Applications
- Topics include: - Methods and Tools in Virtual Prototyping - Virtual and Augmented Reality in Engineering Design - User Interface Design, Ergonomics - Digital Factory - Investigations in Packaging, Assembly and Disassembly - Modelling the Acoustic Behaviour of Technical Systems - Modelling of Optical Systems - Applications in Education and Training - Data Models and Interfaces
- ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2008)
- Topics include: - Multimedia content analysis, processing, and retrieval; - Multimedia networking, sensor networks, and systems support; - Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications; and - Human-Centered Multimedia.
- CVMP 2008 - The 5th European Conference on Visual Media Production
- Topics include: - Motion estimation - Spatio-temporal analysis and modelling - 3D-modelling from images and video - High-dynamic range imaging - Illumination and reflectance modelling - Image and model based scene representations - Integration of graphics and video - Image and video synthesis - Segmentation - Object detection and recognition - Image classification and annotation - Image enhancement and restoration - Photo-realistic rendering & animation of people - Real-time imaging systems - Post production using 3D and motion - Multiple camera systems - Novel capture devices - Special effects for post-production - Visualisation - Interactive media and games - 3D-TV, stereo systems - TV, film and e-cinema - Content management systems
- CoVES Workshop - Collaborative Virtual Engineering for SMEs
- Research results and Live demonstrations of CoVES are presented. The workshop is designed for engineers, project- and developments directors who wish to optimize their development processes by innovative collaborative environments. The workshop will provide a discussion forum. The participation is free of charge. The workshop is presented in cooperation between the Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart and Virtual Dimension Center Fellbach [Further information available in German only]
- ConVR 2008 - 8th International Conference on Construction Application of Virtual Reality
- Topics include: - Design visualization - Construction visualization - Building Information Modeling (BIM) - Visual simulation for community planning - Modeling the physics of buildings - 3D Geographical Information Systems - 3D Engines / game engines - Autonomous Agents in Virtual and Augmented Environments - Human-computer interaction in virtual environments - Mobile and wearable computing - Virtual reality standards for AEC visualization (e.g., X3D, VRML) - Virtual reality in education and training applications - Collaborative visual and augmented environments - Interactive media environments - Ontologies for modeling and visualization - Developing of Game Engines for construction training - Value of VR models in the construction processes - Town planning - Application of visualisation in industrialised building systems (IBS) - Knowledge sharing and communications through visualisation.
- IEEE InfoVis08 - IEEE Information Visualization Conference 2008
- InfoVis topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the visualization of abstract information spaces such as multi-dimensional, tree, network, and textual data.
- VRIPHYS 08 - fifth Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
- Topics include: - animation, e. g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and geometric approaches - virtual and augmented reality - planning, learning, optimization for animation, - interfaces for creating and editing animations - perception in animation - autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior - natural phenomena - mathematical foundations of animation - haptics - sound interfaces - related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling - applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
- USAB 2008 - Usability & Human-Computer Interaction for Education and Work
- Topics include: - Usability and New Research Methodologies - Formal Methods and Methodologies (incl. Agile Methods) - Usability of Educational Systems - Human Aspects of Future Technologies - Human-Computer Interaction for Aviation - Semantic Usability in Education - Human Language Analysis and Natural Language Processing - Usage and Utility of Educational Terminology - Usability and Human Aspects of e-Learning - Aspects of Usability in Information Visualization for Educational purposes - Usability in Ambient Assisted Living and Life Long Learning - Cognitive Performance Support (CPS) in Education - Augmented Cognition (AugCog) in Education - Cognitive Workload and Problem Solving Support - Adaptivity and Usability of Educational Systems - Usability of Mobile Computing in Education (m-Learning) - Adaptive User Interfaces for Educational Information Systems - Use of Simulations in Education - User Centered Design & Development for Educational Systems - Real-Life Usability Testing - Cognitive Task Analysis - Remote Usability Testing - Technology Enhanced Learning for Children - Technology Enhanced Learning for Elderly - Accessibility in Education - Game-based Learning
- VSMM 2008 - Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia Dedicated to Digital Heritage
- Topics include: - Data Acquisition Technologies focusing on Photogrammetry and Laserscanning - 3D Data Capture and Processing in CH - On-site and remotely sensed data collection - 2D and 3D GIS in Cultural Heritage - CAD and FEM based Digital Reconstructions and 3D Modelling - Reproduction Techniques and Rapid Prototyping in CH - Visualisation Techniques (desktop, Virtual and Augmented Reality) - Virtual Reality in Archaeology and Historical Research - Multimedia, Multilingua, Data Management and Archiving - Construction and indexing of large scale Multimedia/Multilingua - Encyclopedias in Cultural Heritage - Computer Animation for CH Applications and Virtual Heritage - Game Technologies in Cultural Heritage - Non-Photorealistic Rendering of CH Data - Virtual Museum Applications (e-Museums and e-Exhibitions) - Digital/Virtual Documentation of Archaeological Excavations - Novel Internet-based Cultural Heritage Applications - Portals of Culture - Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Applications - Innovative Graphics Applications and Techniques - Interactive Environments and Applications - e-Libraries and e-Archives in Cultural Heritage - National Digital Libraries as cross-domain systems - Long term availability of content and its long term accessibility - Effective IC-Technologies for the creation, management and reuse of content and knowledge - Storytelling and authoring tools - e-Learning in Cultural Heritage - Tools for Education, Documentation and Training in CH - Archaeological Analysis and Interpretive Design - Standards, Metadata, Ontologies and Semantic Processing in Cultural Heritage - Authentication, Accreditation and Digital Rights Management - Legal issues: Water-Marking, Orphan Works, Copyrights and IPR - Professional and Ethical Guidelines - The Economics of Cultural Informatics and Tourism - Natural and Man initiated deconstruction of Cultural Heritage and prevention techniques. - ICT assistance in monitoring and restoration
- ACE 2008 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
- Topics include: - Affective Computing - Ambient Intelligence - Animation Techniques - Augmented / Mixed Reality - Avatars and Virtual Community - Cultural Computing - Digital Entertainment and Sports - Digital Broadcasting/Podcasting - Digital Cinema - Elderly Entertainment - Entertainment Design Theory - Human-Robots Interaction - Experience Design - Funology - Graphics Techniques - Interaction Design - Internet Networking Media - Learning and Children - Location-Based Entertainment - Metaverse - Mobile Entertainment - Multimodal Interaction - Narratives / Digital Storytelling - Pervasive and Online Games - Physical Computing - Smart Gadgets and Toys - Social Networking - Sound and Music - Synesthetic Entertainment - Tangible Interfaces - Visual Effects
- Siggraph Asia - First ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics
- It will feature creative, scientific, and educational work that provokes thought, explores ideas in innovative ways, addresses contemporary issues, interactively engages viewers in discovery, and stimulates their intellect and imagination.