Past Conferences 2006
Up one level- Afrigraph 2006 - 4th International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa (Cape Town, South, from 2006-01-25 12:00 AM to 2006-01-27 12:00 AM)
- Topics Include: Rendering Parallel algorithms for graphics Computer vision for graphics Computational Geometry Computer animation Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality and Presence Graphics in the Developing Country Context Education and Computer Graphics Interactive Application Development Special and Visual Effects Visualization and Simulation Perceptually-based graphics techniques Image analysis and processing Multimedia Medical Imaging Computer Aided Design and Prototyping 3D Modelling Data Acquisition
- Game Developers Conference - GDC 2006 (San Jose, CA, USA, from 2006-03-20 12:00 AM to 2006-03-24 12:00 AM)
- At the 2006 Game Developers Conference, industry luminaries lead more than 300 lectures, tutorials, panels, roundtables, and poster sessions covering all aspects of the industry for all platforms and all genres. Conference Tracks: Vision Track; Audio Track; Business & Management Track; Game Design Track; Production Track; Programming Track; Visual Arts Track; IGDA Track.
- Laval Virtual 2006 - 8th International Conference on Virtual Reality (Laval, France, from 2006-04-26 12:00 AM to 2006-04-30 12:00 AM)
- Laval Virtual includes a scientific conference track, a professional conference, an industrial exhibition, live demonstrations, an international student competition, a basket of tutorials, round-tables and a lot of welcome events over a single week. Topics Include: Industrial applications; Disabled applications; Entertainment applications; Emerging display and devices (visual, force, olfactory, aural, etc…); Human interface (software and/or hardware); Mixed reality, artificial reality; Real time computer vision and applications; Haptics, Tactile, Force feedback; Perception, psychology; Modeling (Mathematics, physics); Wearable systems; Education, training and/or evaluations; Visualization and rendering; Arts and media application; Medical application; Measurement, architecture; Tele-existence, Telecommunication.
- 17th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2006 (Nicosia, Cyprus, from 2006-06-26 12:00 AM to 2006-06-28 12:00 AM)
- Topics include: Global illumination methods, Monte Carlo techniques, Finite element techniques, Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing, Shadows and visibility, Human perception and error measures, Texture models, analysis, and synthesis, Image-based methods, Sensing for graphics, Point-based rendering, New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware, Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing, Systems and software architecture for rendering , Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems, Rendering dynamic/animated environments , Non-photorealistic rendering.
- 3rd Symposium on Biomedical Simulation 2006 (Zürich, Switzerland, from 2006-07-10 12:00 AM to 2006-07-19 12:00 AM)
- Anatomical modeling from histological and medical images; Biomechanical modeling of soft and hard tissues; Biophysical properties of living tissues; Physiological modeling of organs and systems; Modeling and simulation of tissue formation; Simulators for training and rehearsal; Evaluation and clinical integration of surgical training simulators; Virtual and augmented reality tools for simulation and surgery; Haptic feedback in biomedical simulation; Simulators in the operating room; Real-time aspects of biomedical simulation
- SG'06 - 6th International Symposium on Smart Graphics (Vancouver, Canada, from 2006-07-23 12:00 AM to 2006-07-25 12:00 AM)
- Scope: Smart Graphics research can be loosely divided into principles, methods and systems based research, and the symposium will encourage submissions in all these areas, based on the following characterization: Principles: Characterizing and coping with constraints on technological, computational and human perceptual, cognitive and motor resources; theories of Graphics Design and visual esthetics, theories of graphical representations and interaction; conceptualizations of graphics and interactive systems; representation and reasoning requirements for Smart Graphics; interaction between resource restrictions; design, requirements capture and evaluation methodologies. Methods: New approaches to the design and testing of graphical generation, presentation and interaction for both conventional desk-top systems and new devices and media; acquisition and representation of design knowledge for Smart Graphics generation; empirical methods in the characterization of interaction; dealing with heterogeneous target media; application of planning, decision theory, optimization, constraint satisfaction, machine learning and other AI techniques to Smart Graphics; attentive systems; evaluation methods. Systems: The application of Smart Graphics to visualization, virtual reality, augmented reality, mobile communications, wearable computing, graphical hypermedia, novel interaction techniques (e.g. attentive systems, haptic and natural language interaction), and advisory & tutoring systems.
- 9th International Conference on Humans and Computers HC'2006
- Topics include: Humans and Educations; Kansei Engineering; Motion Analysis Science; Artificial Life; Graphic Processing; Computer Art; Cognitive Science; Virtual Environments; 3-Dimensional Computer Graphics (3D-CG); Evolutional Culture on History; Human Life Models on Natural Environment System (New).
- 9th IFF Science Days: »Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Engineering, Testing and Operating Technical Systems« (Magdeburg, Germany, from 2006-06-21 12:00 AM to 2006-06-23 12:00 AM)
- A fundamental goal of the 3rd professional conference on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) at the Fraunhofer IFF is to generate a dialog between users and developers of virtual and expanded reality technologies. The focus will be on the sectors of the automotive industry, mechanical and plant engineering, the process industry, aviation, shipbuilding and medical technology. The excellence network ViVERA supported by the BMBF and the EU project Virthualis will be integrated in the conference.
- PIT06 - Perception and Interactive Technologies (Kloster Irsee, Germany, from 2006-06-19 12:00 AM to 2006-06-21 12:00 AM)
- The workshop focuses on advanced human-computer interaction including, e.g., mechanisms, architectures, design issues, applications, evaluation and tools. Prototype and product demonstrations will be very welcome. Future interfaces will be endowed with more human-like capabilities. For example, the emotional state of the user will be analysed so as to be able to automatically adapt the dialogue flow to user preferences, state of knowledge and learning success. Strategies in menu selection will be guided by computational models of attention and the analysis of eye movements tracked in various scenarios. Advanced display technologies will make use of real-time high-quality computer graphics and simulation to visualize physical processes in space and time. High-end 3D avatars utilizing attention-based display generation will allow to speed-up processing. Advanced speech technology will make use of adaptive and user-state dependent dialogue strategies. Complex knowledge bases and reasoning capabilities will control ambient devices that automatically adapt to user requirements and communication styles and, in doing so, help reducing the mental load of the user.
- 19th annual conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2006) (Geneva, Switzerland, from 2006-07-05 12:00 AM to 2006-07-07 12:00 AM)
- Topics include: Motion control, Motion capture and retargeting, Path planning, Physics-based animation, Vision techniques in animation, Behavioral animation, Artificial life, Image rendering in animation, Deformable Models, Facial Animation, social agents and avatars, Emotions and personality, Simulation involving Virtual Humans, Autonomous characters and actors, A.I. - based animation, Social and Conversational agents, Interagent communication, Modeling of groups and crowds, Social behavior, Autonomous Virtual Humans in games, Medical 3D simulation, Simulation involving Virtual Humans, Virtual Cultural Heritage, Autonomous characters and actors, VCE (Virtual Collaborative Environments), A.I. - based animation, Virtual reality, Interaction with Virtual Humans, Augmented Reality, Perceptual models, Virtual Sensors.
- NordiCHI 2006 - Fourth Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- Topics include: - Adaptive and adaptable systems - Ambient intelligence - Artistic and aesthetic approaches to interface design - Design cases - Design methods - End-user development - Evaluation methods - Group and organisation interfaces - Information visualization - Innovative interface design - Interface agents - Interfaces supporting learning - Models of interaction - Multimodal interfaces - New interaction techniques and devices - Participatory design - Studies of organisations, technology and work - Theory and foundation of HCI - Ubiquitous, pervasive, and mobile interaction - Universal access and international interfaces - Usability studies - User-centered design
- ISMAR 2006 Workshop Industrial Augmented Reality
- Augmented Reality has matured from a pure research field into actual industrial applications. There are still many research questions to solve, and solutions are discussed every year at the ISMAR conference series. However, making systems really work needs usually some more effort, knowledge, and ideas than can be discussed by academia on a purely scientific conference. The goal of this workshop is to bring together all people from industry and academia who use augmented reality technologies in real industrial settings aimed at producing a commercial benefit.
- DCGI 2006 - 13th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
- DGCI'2006 is the 13th in the series of international conferences on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. The aim is to gather researchers in discrete geometry and topology, discrete models, with applications in image analysis and image synthesis. Discrete geometry plays an expanding role in the fields of shape modelling, image synthesis, and image analysis. It deals with topological and geometric definitions of digitized objects or digitized images and provides both a theoretical and computational framework for computer imaging. Topics include: - Discrete and Combinatorial Topology - Models for Discrete Geometry - Geometric Transforms - Surfaces and Volumes - Discrete Shape Representation - Discrete Tomography - Discrete and Combinatorial Image Analysis - Morphological Analysis - Shape Recovery - Image Generation and Reconstruction - Visualization
- CGIV'06 - International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (Sydney, Australia, from 2006-07-25 12:00 AM to 2006-07-28 12:00 AM)
- Topics: COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Computer Graphics Fundamental theories; Computer Graphics Application ; Real Time Graphics; Interactive Graphics ; CAGD - CAD/CAM systems, Computational Geometry, Geometric; Computer Graphics - Modeling - Solid and Heterogeneous Modeling , Scene and object modeling , Physically Based Modeling ; Non Photo-realistic Rendering, Image Based Rendering ; Digital Media – Design, Animation and Game; Visualization Scientifics and beyond; Graphics Hardware Architecture ; Augmented and Virtual Reality – Multimedia IMAGING: Indexing and Retrieval of Images; Image generation, acquisition, and processing; Image display techniques; Convergence of imaging media (video and computer); Image compression, coding, and encryption; Multimedia / Applications; Tools for multimedia production and services; Digital imaging for film and television; Knowledge acquisition; Visual inspection; Document image understanding; Image algebra; Optical image processing systems; Mathematical morphology; Architecture of imaging and vision systems (including parallel architectures and algorithms); Software tools and environments for imaging; Multi-resolution and multi-spectral image processing; Image sequence processing VISION: Vision Theories and application; Systems and case studies; Neural network techniques and fuzzy logic; Performance analysis and evaluation; Applications including: medicine, robotic, GIS, remote sensing, industrial inspection (or machine vision), nondestructive evaluation (or NDE), ...
- Humans and Computers 2006 - Sixth multidisciplinary Conference (Mensch und Computer MC2006) (Gelsenkirchen, Germany, from 2006-09-03 12:00 AM to 2006-09-06 12:00 AM)
- Topics include: Changes in work environment (New services in health care, in logistics, transportation and traffic as well as management and administration; Support of development of new technologies in design and construction, investigation and documentation; Worldwide (co-)operating with CSCW and by localisation and individualisation, support of networks of innovation), Changes in Learning and Education (Support of lifelong learning, new forms of learning and teaching including edutainment and infotainment; Teaching and studying human-computer interaction, interface design and software ergonomics) and changes in computer usage (Mobile applications, ubiquitous computing and ad-hoc-networks; Virtual environments and augmented reality; Intelligent devices and environments, handhelds, wearables and pervasive computing).
- IBC 2006 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from 2006-09-07 12:00 AM to 2006-09-12 12:00 AM)
- International event for those who are involved in creation, management and delivery of content.Over 1000 exhibitors, together with a broad conference programme, attract more than 40,000 delegates. In conjuction with the conference event, an exhibition of new products, technologies and presentations with numerous developers and leading companies takes place.
- 3rd Eurographics Workshop on Sketch Based Interfaces and Modelling SBIM'06
- Topics include: * Low level ink processing / Pen stroke segmentation * Sketch parsing * Classification and recognition of handwritten sketches * Multimodal interfaces for sketching * Novel sketch input devices * Rendering techniques for sketch-based interfaces (NPR) * Mobile appliances for design input * Usability studies of sketch-based systems * Sketch-based interfaces for 2D/3D computer graphics (modeling, animation, etc.) * Sketch-based interfaces for CAD systems * Sketch-based interfaces for other applications (diagram editing, math, etc.) * Sketches for Medical and Volume data editing * Sketching surfaces/diagrams/mathematical annotations/ etc. * Sketch-based retrieval of Multimedia Information * Creativity and design
- The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications
- In its tenth anniversary year, the 2006 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2006) will take place in Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, in conjunction with the the 9-th ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. Topics include: - Collaborative Virtual Environments, e.g. interactive Virtual Reality, human communication through immersive environments, shared object manipulation; - Multi-modal collaborative systems, e.g. collaborative future workspaces, psychological issues of collaborative VR; - Interactive Simulation in Entertainment and Games; - Applications of Distributed Simulation, e.g., Real Time, large distributed simulation systems; - Agent Based Distributed Simulation, e.g., multi-agent based simulation, parallel and distibuted simulation of multi-agent systems; - Real-Time application modeling for QoS evaluation; - Algorithms and Studies relating to existing protocols, e.g., HLA, DIS, event synchronization, network time protocols; - Data Distribution Management, Interest Management, Multi-resolution modeling and Dead-Reckoning Mechanisms; - Current Critical Design Issues, e.g.: causality, simultaneous events, zero look-ahead, compensation for slower than real time; - Methodology for Distributed and Parallel Simulation; - Approaches to interoperation of COTS simulation modeling packages; - Interface Definition, Communication, Management, Security; - Performance of Distributed Simulation, e.g., benchmark, theoretical, empirical, and HLA/RTI studies; - Visual Interactive Simulation, e.g., generic animation, visual interactive modeling, interactive computer based learning; - Animating Language Tools, Visualization Tools for Computational Processes under Simulation; - Modeling and Simulation Environments for Real Time Concurrent Systems; - Influence of Network-Centric Systems, e.g., Java, and DCOM; - Network support for distributed simulation and real-time systems e.g., QoS requirements, multicast for distributed/real-time simulation; - Applications of Web-Based Simulation, e.g. Modeling Global Internet; - Integration of Distributed Simulation and HLA with Web Technologies; - Large Scale Distributed Simulation on the Grid; - Software Design Patterns and Real-Time Simulation Environments - Reproducing the face-to-face meeting through communication technology - e.g. immersive CVE, video conferencing, video reconstruction
- Virtuality 2006
- Virtuality Conference is a premiere international event on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 3D Animation, Gaming and VFX. Every year, Virtuality proposes the most up-to-date discussion about cutting-edge applications of VR and Interactive Techniques in various fields, but paying particular attention to its industrial applications and to the multifaceted universe of cinema, including presentations by world-class experts of animation and visual effects. In Partnership with Siggraph Topics include: Computer Graphics, Visual Effects and VR in: - Cinema - Animation - Video Games - Automotive - Medicine - Advertisement/Publicity - Architecture
- International Conference on Image Processing
- The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, is the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied image and video processing. Topics include: - Image/Video Coding and Transmission - Image/Video Processing - Image Formation - Image Scanning, Display, and Printing - Image/Video Storage, Retrieval, and Authentication - Applications
- International Conference on Cyberworlds 2006 (Lausanne, Switzerland, from 2006-11-28 12:00 AM to 2006-11-30 12:00 AM)
- Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on Internet either intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of information modelling, the theoretical ground for the Cyberworlds is far above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal database models. This conference will deal with large distributed information worlds on Internet as well as methods and tools used for creating such worlds. Topics Include: Philosophy, Evolution, and Ethics of Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds; Cyberethics and Cyberlaws; Cybersecurity; Visual Cyberworlds; Human animation in Cyberworlds; Virtual Reality in Cyberworlds; Computer vision and augmented reality for Cyberworlds; Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds; Communication in Cyberworlds; Distributed virtual environments; Shared virtual worlds; Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds Bioinformatics for Cyberlife and medicine Healthcare in Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds for bioengineering; Cyberinformation systems; E-business in Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds for education Collaborative work using Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds for manufacturing; Cyber fairs and Cyber museums; Multi-user web games
- CEMVR2006 - Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference 2006
- The CEMVRC06 seeks original, high quality research and applied papers in all areas of multimedia, virtual reality, as well as augmented reality,mixed reality and 3D HCI. Research papers should describe results that contribute to advancements in state-of-the-art software, hardware, interaction, or systems development. Topics include: - Advanced user interfaces - Augmented reality - Design for all - Distant learning and Multimedia or Virtual Reality (MM/VR) - Education with MM/VR - Emerging MM technologies - Handicapped users and MM/VR - Information visualization - MM and VR for users with special needs (children, elderly, handicapped, etc.) - Rehabilitation and VR - Simulation in virtual environment - Special interaction techniques - Training in virtual environment - VR technologies - Web-based graphics, MM and VR - 3D Reconstruction techniques - ... other topics related to Multimedia and Virtual Reality
- 11th International Fall Workshop Vision, Modelling and Visualization 2006
- Vision, Modeling, and Visualization are rapidly converging disciplines. For a long time the three fields were separate, each with their own methodology, terminology, and formalism. However, for many applications they have to work hand in hand based on computer models and data structures that can be used across all disciplines. Prominent examples are medical sciences, where novel and improved image sensors require new integrated vision, modeling, and visualization techniques. Also, due to the proliferation of digital photography and high-speed graphics accelerators, image-based modeling and the corresponding vision and visualization techniques have become a research topic of highest relevance. Topics include: - 3-D imaging - Object localization and recognition - Volume data processing and visualization - Multi-sensor fusion and 3-D registration - Medical image processing - Medical visualization - Structure from motion and stereo - Geometry-based and image-based rendering - Geometric modeling - Geometric processing - Scene modeling and integration - Multi-view image processing and coding - Realistic rendering - Animation - Virtual reality - Applications (medicine, robotics, fluid mechanics, manufacturing, automated inspection, virtual reality, communication, etc.)
- Graphite 2006 - 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South-East Asia
- Topics include: - Effective user interfaces - Interactive installations - Image based texturing and rendering - Haptics - Modeling techniques - Rendering techniques - Sound rendering - Real time graphics - Virtual and augmented reality - Visualisation - 3D computer animation - Cultural heritage applications - Computer art - Digital games - Education and e-learning applications - Interactive digital media - Web 3D and applications
- 3rd INTUITION International Workshop
- Virtual Reality (VR) technology is a rapidly evolving and diversifying field. The massive research and development process in this field has reached a degree which makes a pan-European structuring and integrating effort an absolute necessity. To promote the enhancement of the adoption of Virtual Environments (VEs) in industrial and other processes and assess the impact of its "penetration" into the workplace and everyday life, 58 organizations from 15 European countries have joined together to create INTUITION, a Network of Excellence focused on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments applications applications for future workspaces.
- ICVGIP 2006 - 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
- ICVGIP has been organized every two years since 1995. The unique feature of the conference is to bring together researchers in the academic institutions and R&D laboratories working in Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing and to use this as a forum to exchange views and ideas in these topics of current research.