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References Types

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The references type "article" is used for article publications in scientific journals.
The reference type for a book with explicit information on the publishing house.
Chapter in a Book
Reference type for a part of a book without a distinctive title, usually a chapter, a section or a range of pages.
In Collection
Reference type for a part of a book with an extra title. Usually a collection of articles by different authors, published by an editor.
In Proceedings
In Proceedings is a reference type for articles published in a conference proceeding.
Reference type for a technical documentation.
Miscellaneous: Websites, Patents
Reference type for various sources like websites, patents and all other cases in which none of the specific reference types fits.
Technical Report
Reference type for a report, issued by an university or an other institution, mostly part of a series.
Reference type for either a Master Thesis (@masterthesis) or a PHD Thesis (@phdthesis). Use the appropriate BibTeX-Entry.