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GRAPP 2013 - The 8th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications


What Conference
When 2013-02-21 to
Where Barcelona, Spain
Contact Name José Braz
Contact Email
Contact Phone +351 265 520 184
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Topics include:

  1. Geometry and Modeling
    • Modeling and Algorithms
    • Scene and Object Modeling
    • Modeling of Natural Scenes and Phenomena
    • Image-Based Modeling
    • Solid and Heterogeneous Modeling
    • Geometric Computing
    • Surface Modeling
    • Physics-Based Modeling
    • Sketch-Based Modelling
    • Multi-Resolution Modeling
    • Fundamental Methods and Algorithms
    • Model Validation
    • Texture Models, Analysis, and Synthesis
    • Reflection and Illumination Models
    • Anthropometric Virtual Human Models
    • CAGD/CAD/CAM Systems
  2. Rendering
    • Real-Time Rendering
    • Systems and Software Architectures for Rendering
    • Volume Rendering
    • Rendering Algorithms
    • Image-Based Rendering
    • Lighting and Appearance
    • Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Painting-like rendering, Drawing
    • Rendering Hardware
    • Point-Based Rendering
    • Shadows, Translucency and Visibility
    • High-Performance Computing and Parallel Rendering
    • Audio/Sound Rendering
    • Computational Photography
  3. Animation and Simulation
    • Animation Algorithms and Techniques
    • Real-time Visual Simulation
    • Special Effects
    • Facial Animation
    • Animation Systems
    • Animation and Simulation of Natural Environments
    • Behavioural Animation
    • Animation from Motion Capture
    • Character Animation
    • Plausible Motion Simulation
    • Animation of Particle Systems
    • Animation Languages
    • Human Figure Animation
    • Motion Control
    • Crowd Simulation
    • Physics-based Animation
    • Image-based Animation
    • Knowledge-based Animation
    • Modeling and Simulation for Education and Training
    • Motion Synthesis
    • Retargeting of Motion Capture Data
    • Animation Retargeting
  4. Interactive Environments
    • Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
    • Virtual Tours
    • Hardware Technologies for Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
    • Collaborative Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
    • Distributed Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
    • Collision Detection
    • Real-time Graphics
    • Advanced User Interfaces
    • Mobile Interfaces
    • Graphical Interfaces
    • Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
    • Graphics in Computer Games
    • Interactive 3D Graphics and Immersive Systems for Servers, Desktop and Thin Clients
    • Interactive 3D Graphics for Mobile Devices Like Smart phones, PDAs and UMPCs
    • Non-Desktop Interfaces
    • Sketch-based Interfaces
    • Virtual Reality Tools and Languages (X3D, VRML, Java3D, OpenGL, ...)
    • Integration and Interoperation Between 3D Documents and Web/Multimedia Technologies, Including the Semantic Web
    • e-Learning Applications and Computer Graphics
    • Games for Education and Training
    • Evaluation of Human Performance and Usability in Virtual Environments
  5. Social Agents in Computer Graphics
    • Social Agents and Avatars
    • Emotion and Personality
    • Autonomous Actors
    • Artificial Inteligence based Animation
    • Social and Conversational Agents
    • Inter-Agent Communication
    • Social Behavior
    • Gesture Generation
    • Emotional and Social Interaction with Virtual Agents

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