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Information on RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds

RSS feeds offer information on websites - like news - in machine readable form. In this case, in XML format is used to transmit the information which contains only text and no layout data. To use an RSS feed the user needs to install a news aggregator (Feedreader, RSSOwl) that is able to receive the headlines and news from an information source. The user needs to enter the URL at which the feed is located.

For example, to receive the latest entries of the jvrb event calendar, enter the URL into the appropriate field of you news aggregator. New browsers support RSS-feeds as dynamic bookmarks.

News Aggregators

A lightweight and free open source feed aggregator for Windows. Works with WIN 95 and later versions.
Feedreader Homepage

A open source Java-based reader for RSS, RDF, and ATOM Newsfeeds which is available for several platform like Linux, Windows, Mac and Solaris. The software needs the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to work.
RSSOwl Homepage

A RSS and ATOM reader for Windows with enhanced notification and archiving features. A registration is necessary to use all enhanced features. The downloadable evaluation version offers a set of basic features.
Feedowl Homepage