Improvement for authors to get credit for their work: ORCID Identifier now available in our article metadata
The JVRB publication system DiPP now supports two different persistent digital identifiers to distinguish authors: Besides the PND identification number lookup from the German GND-Database, the ORCID identifier has been added.
As author, you can register at and receive an ID that ensures that your work can be easily identified and is correctly attributed to your reputation. The registration is free of charge. ORCID also allows you to link your ID with other services (e.g. Scopus, ResearcherID). Many research organizations, publishers and universities already use and support ORCID to clearly identify authors of scientific publications e. g. the American Mathematical Society, the Association for Computing Machinery, the British Library, Chalmers University of Technology, PLoS Public Library of Science or Thomson Reuters.
For more information see:
If you already have an ORCID, we are able to add it to the metadata information of your article published in JVRB and ensure that you get credit for your work.