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NAB Show 2009 - Digital Media Industry Event for Audio, Video, Film and Communications Professionals
Topics include: - Content Creation (Audio Edition, Video Production, Set Design, Digital Cinema, Video Capture Devices...) - Content Management (Video Processing, Multicasting, Audio/Video Mastering...) - Content Commerce (Television Programming, interactive TV, User Generated Content...) - Content Distribution and Delivery (Streaming, Consumer Electronics, Encoding, Broadband Networks...) - Content Consumption
Eurographics 2009
Topics include: - computer graphics - rendering - modeling - visualization - animation - virtual reality - computer vision - imaging
3DOR 2009 - Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval
Topics include: - 3D object similarity and matching - 3D Object classification, indexing, and mining - Feature extraction, model decomposition and segmentation - Partial and many-to-many matching - Matching under uncertainty and noise - Query interfaces and search modalities - Multi-level representations for matching and retrieval - Semantics-driven 3D object retrieval and classification - Sketch-based retrieval - Benchmarking issues - Relevance feedback methods - Active learning - Generative / Discriminative approaches in 3D object categorisation - Applications in Multimedia, CAD, Gaming, Biometrics, e-Science, e-Learning, Medicine and Biology, Cultural Heritage
IEEE VR 2009
Topics include: - 3D interaction for VR - VR systems and toolkits - Augmented and mixed reality - Computer graphics techniques for VR/AR - Advanced display and immersive projection technology - Distributed and collaborative VR - Haptics, audio and other non-visual interfaces - Tracking & Sensing - Modeling and Simulation - User studies and evaluation - Presence and cognition - Applications of AR/MR/VR
GRAPP 2009 - 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP)
Topics include: - Geometric Computing - Modeling and Algorithms - Fundamental Methods and Algorithms - Scene and Object Modeling - Solid and Heterogeneous Modeling - Surface Modeling - Modeling of Natural Scenes and Phenomena - Physics-Based Modeling - Multi-Resolution Modeling - Image-Based Modeling - Texture Models, Analysis, and Synthesis - Reflection and Illumination Models - Model Validation - CAGD/CAD/CAM Systems - Graphics Architectures - Sketch-Based Modelling - Systems and Software Architectures for Rendering - Rendering Algorithms - Real-Time Rendering - Parallel Rendering - Image-Based Rendering - Volume Rendering - Point-Based Rendering - Lighting and Appearance - Shadows, Translucency and Visibility - Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Painting-like rendering, Drawing - Rendering Hardware - Animation Systems - Animation Algorithms and Techniques - Animation Languages - Animation from Motion Capture - Character Animation - Behavioural Animation - Human Figure Animation - Facial Animation - Animation of Particle Systems - Plausible Motion Simulation - Animation and Simulation of Natural Environments - Special Effects - Real-time Visual Simulation - Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments - Distributed Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality - Collaborative Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments - Virtual Tours - Virtual Humans and Artificial Life - Real-time Graphics - Graphics in Computer Games - Collision Detection - Graphical Interfaces - Mobile Interfaces - Advanced User Interfaces - Hardware Technologies for Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 2009
Topics include: - Industrial Applications - Compelling Experiences - Stubborn Problems - Demonstrations - Late Breaking Progress
Siggraph Asia - First ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics
It will feature creative, scientific, and educational work that provokes thought, explores ideas in innovative ways, addresses contemporary issues, interactively engages viewers in discovery, and stimulates their intellect and imagination.
ACE 2008 - International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
Topics include: - Affective Computing - Ambient Intelligence - Animation Techniques - Augmented / Mixed Reality - Avatars and Virtual Community - Cultural Computing - Digital Entertainment and Sports - Digital Broadcasting/Podcasting - Digital Cinema - Elderly Entertainment - Entertainment Design Theory - Human-Robots Interaction - Experience Design - Funology - Graphics Techniques - Interaction Design - Internet Networking Media - Learning and Children - Location-Based Entertainment - Metaverse - Mobile Entertainment - Multimodal Interaction - Narratives / Digital Storytelling - Pervasive and Online Games - Physical Computing - Smart Gadgets and Toys - Social Networking - Sound and Music - Synesthetic Entertainment - Tangible Interfaces - Visual Effects
CVMP 2008 - The 5th European Conference on Visual Media Production
Topics include: - Motion estimation - Spatio-temporal analysis and modelling - 3D-modelling from images and video - High-dynamic range imaging - Illumination and reflectance modelling - Image and model based scene representations - Integration of graphics and video - Image and video synthesis - Segmentation - Object detection and recognition - Image classification and annotation - Image enhancement and restoration - Photo-realistic rendering & animation of people - Real-time imaging systems - Post production using 3D and motion - Multiple camera systems - Novel capture devices - Special effects for post-production - Visualisation - Interactive media and games - 3D-TV, stereo systems - TV, film and e-cinema - Content management systems
USAB 2008 - Usability & Human-Computer Interaction for Education and Work
Topics include: - Usability and New Research Methodologies - Formal Methods and Methodologies (incl. Agile Methods) - Usability of Educational Systems - Human Aspects of Future Technologies - Human-Computer Interaction for Aviation - Semantic Usability in Education - Human Language Analysis and Natural Language Processing - Usage and Utility of Educational Terminology - Usability and Human Aspects of e-Learning - Aspects of Usability in Information Visualization for Educational purposes - Usability in Ambient Assisted Living and Life Long Learning - Cognitive Performance Support (CPS) in Education - Augmented Cognition (AugCog) in Education - Cognitive Workload and Problem Solving Support - Adaptivity and Usability of Educational Systems - Usability of Mobile Computing in Education (m-Learning) - Adaptive User Interfaces for Educational Information Systems - Use of Simulations in Education - User Centered Design & Development for Educational Systems - Real-Life Usability Testing - Cognitive Task Analysis - Remote Usability Testing - Technology Enhanced Learning for Children - Technology Enhanced Learning for Elderly - Accessibility in Education - Game-based Learning
VRIPHYS 08 - fifth Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation
Topics include: - animation, e. g. physically-based, vision-based, knowledge-based and geometric approaches - virtual and augmented reality - planning, learning, optimization for animation, - interfaces for creating and editing animations - perception in animation - autonomous characters, group and crowd behavior - natural phenomena - mathematical foundations of animation - haptics - sound interfaces - related techniques, e. g. collision detection and contact handling - applications, e. g. in robotics, medicine, entertainment
ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM 2008)
Topics include: - Multimedia content analysis, processing, and retrieval; - Multimedia networking, sensor networks, and systems support; - Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications; and - Human-Centered Multimedia.
VSMM 2008 - Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia Dedicated to Digital Heritage
Topics include: - Data Acquisition Technologies focusing on Photogrammetry and Laserscanning - 3D Data Capture and Processing in CH - On-site and remotely sensed data collection - 2D and 3D GIS in Cultural Heritage - CAD and FEM based Digital Reconstructions and 3D Modelling - Reproduction Techniques and Rapid Prototyping in CH - Visualisation Techniques (desktop, Virtual and Augmented Reality) - Virtual Reality in Archaeology and Historical Research - Multimedia, Multilingua, Data Management and Archiving - Construction and indexing of large scale Multimedia/Multilingua - Encyclopedias in Cultural Heritage - Computer Animation for CH Applications and Virtual Heritage - Game Technologies in Cultural Heritage - Non-Photorealistic Rendering of CH Data - Virtual Museum Applications (e-Museums and e-Exhibitions) - Digital/Virtual Documentation of Archaeological Excavations - Novel Internet-based Cultural Heritage Applications - Portals of Culture - Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Applications - Innovative Graphics Applications and Techniques - Interactive Environments and Applications - e-Libraries and e-Archives in Cultural Heritage - National Digital Libraries as cross-domain systems - Long term availability of content and its long term accessibility - Effective IC-Technologies for the creation, management and reuse of content and knowledge - Storytelling and authoring tools - e-Learning in Cultural Heritage - Tools for Education, Documentation and Training in CH - Archaeological Analysis and Interpretive Design - Standards, Metadata, Ontologies and Semantic Processing in Cultural Heritage - Authentication, Accreditation and Digital Rights Management - Legal issues: Water-Marking, Orphan Works, Copyrights and IPR - Professional and Ethical Guidelines - The Economics of Cultural Informatics and Tourism - Natural and Man initiated deconstruction of Cultural Heritage and prevention techniques. - ICT assistance in monitoring and restoration
ConVR 2008 - 8th International Conference on Construction Application of Virtual Reality
Topics include: - Design visualization - Construction visualization - Building Information Modeling (BIM) - Visual simulation for community planning - Modeling the physics of buildings - 3D Geographical Information Systems - 3D Engines / game engines - Autonomous Agents in Virtual and Augmented Environments - Human-computer interaction in virtual environments - Mobile and wearable computing - Virtual reality standards for AEC visualization (e.g., X3D, VRML) - Virtual reality in education and training applications - Collaborative visual and augmented environments - Interactive media environments - Ontologies for modeling and visualization - Developing of Game Engines for construction training - Value of VR models in the construction processes - Town planning - Application of visualisation in industrialised building systems (IBS) - Knowledge sharing and communications through visualisation.
IEEE InfoVis08 - IEEE Information Visualization Conference 2008
InfoVis topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the visualization of abstract information spaces such as multi-dimensional, tree, network, and textual data.
CoVES Workshop - Collaborative Virtual Engineering for SMEs
Research results and Live demonstrations of CoVES are presented. The workshop is designed for engineers, project- and developments directors who wish to optimize their development processes by innovative collaborative environments. The workshop will provide a discussion forum. The participation is free of charge. The workshop is presented in cooperation between the Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart and Virtual Dimension Center Fellbach [Further information available in German only]
ICIP 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
Topics include: - Image/video coding and transmission: Still image coding, video coding, stereoscopic and 3-D coding, distributed source coding, image/video transmission over wireless networks - Image/video processing: Image filtering, restoration and enhancement, image segmentation, video segmentation and tracking, morphological processing, stereoscopic and 3-D processing, feature extraction and analysis, interpolation and super-resolution, motion detection and estimation, implementation and systems - Image formation: Biomedical imaging, remote sensing, geophysical and seismic imaging, optimal imaging, synthetic-natural hybrid image systems - Image scanning, display, and printing: Scanning and sampling, quantization and halftoning, color reproduction, image representation and rendering, display and printing systems, image quality assessment - Image/video storage, retrieval, and authentication: Image and video databases, image indexing and retrieval, video indexing, retrieval and editing, multimodality image/video indexing and retrieval, authentication and watermarking - Applications: Biomedical sciences, geosciences and remote sensing, document image processing and analysis, other applications
ECCV 2008 - The 10th European Conference on Computer Vision
Topics inlcude: - Sensors and Early Vision - Color and Texture - Segmentation and Grouping - Motion and Tracking - Stereo and Structure from Motion - Image-Based Modeling - Illumination and Reflectance Modeling - Shape Representation - Object Recognition - Video Analysis and Event Recognition - Face and Gesture - Statistical Methods and Learning - Performance Evaluation - Applications, including Medical Image Analysis - Image and Video Retrieval
Cyberworlds 2008
Topics include: - Philosophy, evolution, and ethics of Cyberworlds - Cyberworldsand their impact on the real worlds - Telemedicine, healthcare in Cyberworlds - Mobile computing, mobile graphics, mobile game - E-learning, Web-based learning, and edutainment - Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds - Digital watermarking, Internet security, information hiding - Distributed virtual environments - Cyber fairs and digital museums - Game engine, game algorithm, and multi-user web games - VR/AR/MR for Industrial design, digital heritage - Shared virtual worlds, Collaborative work using Cyberworlds - Human animation in Cyberworlds - Virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed Reality - Computer vision for Cyberworlds - Cyberethics and cyber laws - Communication in Cyberworlds - Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds - Bioinformatics for cyberlife and medicine - E-business in Cyberworlds - Cyberworlds for manufacturing, civil planning and bioengineering - Multimedia information retrieval/indexing in Cyberworlds - Biometrics in Cyberworlds
FG2008 - 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
1. Face Recognition/Analysis - Tracking/detection - Recognition - Expression analysis - 3D analysis - Psychological Analysis - Databases 2. Gesture Recognition/Analysis - Gesture interpretation - Head tracking - Arm/limb and body analysis/tracking - Psychological Analysis - Databases 3. Body Motion Analysis - Human motion analysis - Gait recognition - 3D movement and gait analysis - Psychological Analysis 4. Methodology - Sensors - Feature analysis - Fusion of modalities 5. Animation - Face animation - Body animation - Markup languages for animation 6. Applications - Biometric applications - Surveillance - Human-Computer Interaction - Virtual Characters and Second Life - Smart Environments - Personal Wellness, Mental and Physical Health - Education