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EGPGV 2013 - 13th Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization

The Symposium will be held in conjunction with Eurographics 2013.

What Symposium
When 2013-05-04 to
Where Girona, Catalonia, Spain
Contact Name Margarita Amor López (Symposium Chair)
Contact Email
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Topics include:

  • Photo-realistic rendering
  • Volume rendering
  • Large data set visualization
  • GPGPU applications
  • Simulations for interactive applications
  • Cluster based graphics and visualization systems
  • Large and high resolution displays
  • Efficient graphics and visualization methods
  • Out of core rendering from/for multiple resources
  • Parallel visual computing
  • Large scale simulations and graphics rendering
  • Visualization and graphics for scientific, engineering and commercial applications
  • Graphics and visualization in Grid environments
  • Multimodal applications
  • Scheduling, memory management and data coherence
  • Hybrid distributed/shared memory parallel visualization algorithms

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