Startseite / Conferences / NIME'18 - 13th International Workshop on Networking Issues in Multimedia Entertainment

NIME'18 - 13th International Workshop on Networking Issues in Multimedia Entertainment

Co-Located with IEEE PIMRC 2018

Was Workshop
Wann 09.09.2018
von 12:00 pm bis 12:00 pm
Wo Bologna, Italy
Name Prof. Armir Bujari, Prof. Abdennour El Rhalibi, Prof. Marco Roccetti (General Co-Chairs)
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Application for Entertainment

  • Architectures, Platforms and Protocols for Networked Games
  • Internetworking, Vertical Roaming and Session Management
  • Handoffs for Entertainment (Internet to WLAN, to 4G/5G/Satellite/...)
  • Home LANs, Body and Personal Area Networks for Entertainment
  • Music and Movie Distribution
  • Next Generation Wireless Technologies for Entertainment
  • Opportunistic Multi-hopping and Opportunistic Networks for Entertainment
  • QoS and Security Support for Entertainment
  • Resource and Service Discovery Technologies
  • Technologies for Networked In-Home/Car/Flight/Train Entertainment

Technology for Entertainment

  • Agent-based Entertainment
  • Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
  • Interactive Television and Theatre
  • Massive Multiplayer Games
  • Mobile and Wireless Entertainment
  • Networked Entertainment
  • Networked Narrative and Digital Interactive Storytelling
  • Networked Video, Music and Sound Design
  • Pervasive Entertainment
  • Personalized and User-Adapted Television
  • Virtual Technology and Virtual Environments for Entertainment
  • Wearable Entertainment
  • Wireless and Mobile Gaming
  • Testbed and Performance Evaluation

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