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IEEE VR 2018 - 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces

What Conference
When 2018-03-18 to
Where Reutlingen, Germany
Contact Name Betty Mohler, Torsten W. Kuhlen, Matthias Bues, Evan Suma Rosenberg (General Chairs), Martin Göbel (Honorary General Chair)
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Topics include:

  • Tracking and sensing
  • Input devices for VR/AR/MR
  • Advanced display technology
  • Immersive projection technology
  • Haptics, audio, and other non-visual interfaces
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Computer graphics techniques for VR/AR/MR
  • Virtual humans and avatars
  • Multi-user and distributed VR/AR/MR
  • VR systems and toolkits
  • Locomotion and navigation in virtual environments
  • User studies and evaluation
  • Perception, presence, virtual embodiment, and cognition
  • Teleoperation and telepresence
  • Applications of VR/AR/MR
  • Ethical issues in VR/AR/MR
  • Interactive storytelling in 360° videos
  • 3D interaction for VR/AR/MR
  • 3DUI metaphors for VR/AR/MR
  • Mobile, Desktop or Hybrid 3DUIs
  • Non-fatiguing 3DUIs
  • Evaluation methods for 3DUIs
  • Empirical studies of 3DUIs
  • Applications of 3DUIs: Games, entertainment, CAD, education, etc.

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