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GRAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications

GRAPP is part of VISIGRAPP, the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.

What Conference
When 2019-02-25 to
Where Prague, Czech Republic
Contact Name Jose Braz (Conference Chair)
Contact Email
Contact Phone +351 265 100 033
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Topics include:

Geometry and Modeling

  • Procedural and Multiresolution Modeling
  • Image-Based Modeling
  • Solid and Heterogeneous Modeling
  • Geometric Computing
  • Surface Modeling
  • Physics-Based Modeling
  • Fundamental Methods and Algorithms
  • Model Validation
  • Texture Models, Analysis, and Synthesis
  • CAGD/CAD/CAM Systems
  • Quad-Dominant Remeshing
  • Hexahedral Meshing
  • 3D Model Repair and scene reconstruction
  • Architectural Geometry
  • Processing Frameworks and Data Structures
  • Modeling and Algorithms
  • Scene and Object Modeling
  • Modeling of Natural Scenes and Phenomena


  • Real-Time Rendering
  • Shadows, Translucency and Visibility
  • High-Performance Computing and Parallel Rendering
  • Computational Photography
  • Systems and Software Architectures for Rendering
  • Volume Rendering
  • Rendering Algorithms
  • Image-Based Rendering
  • Lighting and Appearance
  • Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Painting-like rendering, Drawing
  • Rendering Hardware
  • Point-Based Rendering

Animation and Simulation

  • Real-time Clothing and virtual fashion
  • Animation from Motion Capture
  • Real-time character Animation
  • Plausible Motion Simulation
  • Animation of Particle Systems
  • Human Figure Animation
  • Crowd Simulation
  • Physics-based Animation
  • Image-based Animation
  • Modeling and Simulation for Education and Training
  • Scalable Fluid Simulation
  • Simulation of Elastic Rods, Shells, and Solids
  • Dynamic Simulation of Physical Behaviour
  • Animation Algorithms and Techniques
  • Real-time Visual Simulation
  • Special Effects
  • Facial Animation
  • Animation Systems

Interactive Environments

  • Procedural and interactive artworks
  • Graphical Interfaces
  • Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
  • Interactive 3D Graphics and Immersive Systems for Servers, Desktop and Thin Clients
  • Interactive 3D Graphics for Mobile Devices Like Smart phones, PDAs and UMPCs
  • Sketch-based Interfaces
  • Virtual Reality Tools and Languages
  • Integration and Interoperation Between 3D Documents and Web/Multimedia Technologies, Including the Semantic Web
  • e-Learning Applications and Computer Graphics
  • Games for Education and Training
  • Human Performance and Usability of Virtual Environments
  • Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
  • Virtual Tours
  • Hardware Technologies for Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
  • Collaborative Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
  • Distributed Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality
  • Real-time Graphics
  • Advanced User Interfaces
  • Mobile Interfaces

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