Graphics may be submitted in common open file formats like eps, gif, jpeg, png, or tif. If you are using a file format that embeds graphics in your text document, do make sure to submit an extra copy of these files. Keep in mind that all articles are electronically published and graphics are converted into a format suitable for the internet.
Figure Content
Figures help readers to understand complex data. They have a visual impact on the reader and attract the viewer’s attention. When using figures, emphasize the scientific data, keeping in mind the medium in which the graphic is used. Regard the audience for which the figure is designed and choose the appropriate level of information and complexity. Beware of the use of copyrighted material: logos, trademarks or even whole images taken from other sources should not be used, since rights of use for content developed by others are typically not explicitly granted. If you are using figure elements created by others, contact the copyright holder and ensure that use of their material in publication is allowed (e.g. by citing the original source).
In the composition of a figure, avoid graphical elements that distract the reader or do not convey information (e.g., shadows for boxes or texts, disruptive filling patterns). Do not use the heaviest lines for the least important information. Either make the figure self-explanatory or provide unobtrusive legends.
Use the 'Computer Modern' (LaTeX Standard font) font to label graphics. Select symbols for graphs that can be clearly identified.
The benefit of color is lost at the end-user level, since many printouts for personal use are made on standard monochrome printers. Therefore, make sure that all graphic elements are distinguishable without the use of color. Choose good contrasts between the different elements of the figure. Avoid text-colors that are hard to read or background colors that are loud. A good choice for a background color for figures is white. In the web representation of the article, figures with a white background will appear without visible borders.
Make your figure design suitable for the specific medium where the graphic will be used. The amount of information in each figure should not overwhelm the reader.
The complexity of a figure is designed for a specific audience. Do not use figures that are too complex, since the audience may not be not well informed about your topic. At the same time, however, make sure that the reader is not bored by shallow or oversimplified information.