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Collision Detection: Broad Phase Adaptation from Multi-Core to Multi-GPU Architecture

  1. Quentin Avril Université Européenne de Bretagne
  2. Valérie Gouranton Université Européenne de Bretagne
  3. Bruno Arnaldi Université Européenne de Bretagne


We present in this paper several contributions on the collision detection optimization centered on hardware performance. We focus on the broad phase which is the first step of the collision detection process and propose three new ways of parallelization of the well-known Sweep and Prune algorithm. We first developed a multi-core model takes into account the number of available cores. Multi-core architecture enables us to distribute geometric computations with use of multi-threading. Critical writing section and threads idling have been minimized by introducing new data structures for each thread. Programming with directives, like OpenMP, appears to be a good compromise for code portability. We then proposed a new GPU-based algorithm also based on the "Sweep and Prune" that has been adapted to multi-GPU architectures. Our technique is based on a spatial subdivision method used to distribute computations among GPUs. Results show that significant speed-up can be obtained by passing from 1 to 4 GPUs in a large-scale environment.

  1. published: 2014-10-21


1.  Introduction

Collision detection is a well-studied and still active research field in which the main problem is to determine how and if one or more objects collide or will collide in a virtual environment. Many fields are concerned by collision detection, including physical-based simulation, computer animation, robotics, mechanical simulations (medicine, biology, car industry...), haptic applications and video games. In these applications, real-time performance, efficiency and robustness are key issues. In the field of Virtual Reality, physical virtual environments in digital mock-ups and industrial applications are now commonplace, and are of increasing complexity. The expected level of real-time performance is becoming harder to ensure in such large-scale virtual environments. Unsurprisingly, collision detection has been an integral part of virtual reality bottlenecks for over thirty years. Recent years have seen impressive advances in collision detection algorithms. However, most algorithms remain unprepared for the new hardware architecture (multi-core, multiprocessor, multi-GPU, etc.). The use of parallel processing has become necessary to take advantage of recent gains of Moore′s Law. During several years, processor specialists were able to provide clock frequency increases and parallelism improvements in instruction sets. In that way, single threaded applications ran much faster on a new generation of processors without any modification. Now, to have a better management of the power consumption, they promote multi-core architectures. It is no longer possible to rely on the evolution of processing power to overcome the problem of real-time collision detection. The impressive power evolution of graphics hardware and multi-GPU platforms is also an important way of algorithm improvements and speed-ups. With these major upheavals in computer architecture it is now essential to take into account run-time architectures to improve collision detection performance.

In this paper, we propose new models of collision detection algorithms able to run on new hardware architecture. We focus on three different kinds of architecture: multi-core, GPU and multi-GPU. We have developed three new broad-phase-based algorithms that take into account the run-time architecture.

The rest of our paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we present the evolution of CPUs and GPUs the few last years. In Section 3 we report related work on collision detection and focus on the multi-core and GPU-based collision detection algorithms in parallel programming. Section 4 presents our new multi-core algorithm followed by the Multi-GPU one in Section 5. Both sections show the model and techniques we used to develop the algorithm and also present performance results. We then conclude and open on future works in Section 6.

2.  Architecture Evolution

In this section, we briefly present the evolution of CPUs and GPUs the last few years. We first describe the emergence and spread of multi-core processors, followed in a second step by the impressive evolution of GPU in terms of computation power and ease of use.

2.1.  From Sequential CPU to Multi-core Architecture

Compared to the actual outlook, it seems clear that Gordon Moore was a lucky man. Since 1965, he predicts a duplication of the number of transistors on a microprocessor every two years. During more than forty years, this guesswork seems exact but we know now that physical limits (power and heat) prevent this duplication. What is the solution to keep alive Moore law? You make more cores. Nowadays, the trend tends to the duplication of cores in computers and the use of parallel architecture. The first personal computer with a coreduo arrived in 2005 with AMD  [1] followed by Intel  [2] . In 2006 Sun presented its new octo-core called Niagara2. Last year, Intel presented a 32-in-order x86 core [ SCS08 ] called "Larrabee" and Sun recently presented 80-core computer. It seems that new trends are not only multi-core but also many-core. The difference between these types of cores is the start and stop notion on the way, if you need n cores to work, the computer will only start n cores. That is why many-core is very useful: when people do not need the entire power of cores the computer turns some of them off. Until now, 3D objects and virtual environments grew up parallel to processor power, so researchers were continuously looking for an improvement of the collision detection algorithms in order to increase their precision and robustness. A lot of articles still continue to improve collision detection algorithms in the past few years. But now, processing power stays the same while virtual environments grow more and more in size, so new trends are not only the algorithms' improvement but also the algorithms' architecture modification. Since we cannot hope for a continual evolution of processors we now have to study how it is possible to use multi-core in collision detection algorithms. Nowadays, it is impossible to present a CPU without dealing with central memory handling; on multi- or many-cores there is a very complex cache handling between the cores and this handling is continually improved to increase computer performance. Cache and memory handling is another point that cannot be ignored in the optimization of the collision detection performance.

2.2.  From Graphic Processor to GPGPU

Recent years have seen the evolution of graphics hardware from fixed-function units toward an increasingly programmable graphics pipeline. Contrary to the CPU, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) had a very important power evolution over the past few years. This impressive evolution can be explained by the way that on the one hand, CPU is a generalist processor which deals with ordinary data that is often dependent, several of its components are in charge of the data stream control and its memory latency period is hidden by data caching. On the other hand, a GPU provides a processor well-suited for highly parallelizable computations, it deals with independent data so it does not need a sophisticated data stream control and its memory latency period is hidden by computations. General-purpose Processing on Graphics Processing Units is the technique allowing graphics hardware (GPU) to perform computations traditionally reserved to the CPU. A survey has been published [ OLG05 ] on GPGPU focusing on a simple presentation of GPGPU applications. Using graphics cards in order to increase mathematical computations is not recent. During the nineties, some researchers used the rasterizer and Z-Buffer of the graphics cards to accelerate path, for instance, path finding or Vorono printing. But revolution appears in 2003 with evolved shaders allowing matrix computations on graphics cards. From this year, a SIGGRAPH section is dedicated to this new computation technique. To handle GPU in 2003, OpenGL or Direct3D were essential. Brook was the first C language extension that allowed using GPU as a co-processor for parallel computations. In 2007, Nvidia3 developed a language and a software called CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) exploiting GPU's power, using principles of parallel programming with threads. This API can be seen as a C language extension and its assembly language is PTX. ATI/AMD develops its own language for graphics cards, called Brook+. Runtime uses CAL for the GPU backend. Even if AMD technology is as efficient as Nvidia's (or even more), Brook+ is less used than CUDA, due to a lack of documentation on it and to a higher difficulty to code solution.

3.  Related Work

We present here the collision detection field followed by the evolution of CPU and GPU processors. We then present how this evolution has led to setting up parallel solutions for collision detection to speed-up the computation time.

3.1.  Collision Detection

Last decade has seen an impressive evolution of virtual reality applications and more precisely of collision detection algorithms in terms of the computational bottleneck. Collision detection is a wide field dealing with, apparently, an easy problem: determining if two (or several) objects collide. It is used in several domains namely physically-based simulation, computer animation, robotics, mechanical simulations (medicine, biology, car industry), haptic applications and video games. All these applications have different constraints (real-time performance, efficiency and robustness ). It has generated a wide range of problems: convex or non-convex objects, 2-Body or N-Body simulations, rigid or deformable objects, continual or discrete methods. Algorithms are also dependent on the geometric model formalism (polygonal, Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG), implicit or parametric functions). All of these problems reveal the diversity of this field of study. For more details we refer to surveys on the topic [ LG98 , JTT01 , TKH05 , KHI07 ] .

Figure 1.  Collision detection pipeline.

Collision detection pipeline.

Given n moving objects in a virtual environment, testing all objects pairs tend to perform n2 pairwise checks. When n is large it becomes a computational bottleneck. Collision detection is represented and built as a pipeline (cf Figure 1 ) [ Hub95 ] . It is composed by two main parts: broad phase and narrow phase. A parallel and adaptive collision detection pipeline running on a multi-core architecture have been proposed [ AGA10b ] . The goal of this pipeline is to apply successive filters in order to break down the O(n2) complexity. These filters provide an increasing efficiency and robustness during the pipeline traversal. In the following, we present these parts of the pipeline, broad phase in section 3.1.1 and narrow phase in section 3.1.2.

3.1.1.  Broad phase

The first part of the pipeline, called the broad phase, is in charge of a quick and efficient removal of the object pairs that are not in collision. Broad-phase algorithms are classified into four main families [ KHI07 ]:

Brute-force approaches are based on the comparison of the overall bounding volumes of objects to determine if they are in collision or not. This test is very exhaustive because of its n2 pairwise checks. A lot of bounding volumes have been proposed such as sphere, Axis-Aligned-Bounding-Box (AABB) [ Ber97 ] , Oriented-Bounding-Box (OBB) [ GLM96 ] and many others.

Spatial partitioning methods are based on the principle that if two objects are situated in distant space sides, they have no chance to collide during the next time step. Several methods have been proposed to divide space into unit cells: regular grid, octree [ BT95 ] , quad-tree, Binary Space Partitioning (BSP), k-d tree structure [ BF79 ] or voxels.

Topological methods are based on the positions of objects in relation to others. A couple of objects that is too far from one another is deleted. The algorithm termed as "Sweep and prune" [ Eri05 ] and referenced in related publications like Cohen et al. [ CLMP95 ] is also known as "sort and sweep" from David Baraff's Ph.D thesis [ Bar92 ]. It is one of the most used methods in the broad-phase algorithms because it provides an efficient and quick pair removal and it does not depend on the object complexity. The sequential algorithm of "Sweep and Prune" takes as input the overall objects of the environment and feeds as output a of list of pairs of collided objects. The algorithm is divided into two principal parts. The first one is in charge of the bounding volume update of each active virtual object. Most of the time, the bounding volumes used are AABBs that are aligned on the environment axis (cf. Figure 2 ). The second part is in charge of the detection of the overlapping between objects. To do that a projection of higher and upper bounds on the three axes of coordinates of each AABB is made. Then, we obtain three lists with overlap pairs on each axis (x, y and z). We can notice two related but different concepts on the way the "Sweep and Prune" operates internally: by starting from scratch each time or by updating internal structures. To differentiate them a name was given to each method, the first type is called brute-force and the second type persistent. A Pair that is still alive after this test means that its objects are considered as in potential collision. This pair is then transmitted to the narrow phase.

Figure 2.  "Sweep and Prune" algorithm on x and y axis with a non-overlapping condition (left) and an overlapping one (right).

"Sweep and Prune" algorithm on x and y axis with a non-overlapping condition (left) and an overlapping one (right).

3.1.2.  Narrow phase

Colliding objects pairs are then given to the narrow phase that performs an exact collision detection. We can classify narrow-phase algorithms into four main families [ KHI07 ] :

Feature-based algorithms work on objects primitives: faces (triangle-triangle test [ LAM01 ] ), edges and vertices. This family appears in 1991 with the Lin-Canny approach [ LC91 ] or Voronoï Marching that proposed to divide space around objects in Voronoï regions that enable to detect closest features pairs between polyhedrons.

Simplex-based algorithms of whom the most famous one is the GJK algorithm [ GJK88 ] that uses Minkowski difference on polyhedrons. Two convex objects collide if and only if their Minkowski difference contains the origin.

Image-space-based algorithms work using image-space occlusions queries that are suitable to be used on graphics hardware (GPU). They rasterize objects to perform either a 2D or 2.5D overlap test in screen space [ BW04 ] . We further develop this part in the parallel section.

Bounding-volume-based algorithms are used in most strategies to perform collision tests and highly improve the performance. Bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) allow arranging bounding volumes into a tree hierarchy (binary tree, quad tree...) in order to reduce the number of tests to perform. A description on these BVH and a comparison between their performance can be found in [ Eri05 ] . Deformable objects are very challenging for BVH because hierarchy structures have to be updated when an object deforms [ Ber97 , TKH05 ].

3.2.  Parallel Collision Detection

The parallel solution of collision detection algorithms is a recent field in high-performance computing. We can distinguish three different families of algorithms, namely: GPU-based, CPU-based and hybrid-based.

3.2.1.  GPU-based algorithms

The GPU-based family is used to perform collision detection for few years using typical GPU solutions but it becomes more and more used to perform non-common GPU solutions. The algorithms that are based on the image-space we call "typical GPU solutions". Image-space-based algorithms work using image-space occlusion queries that are suitable to be used on graphics hardware. They rasterize objects to perform either a 2D or 2.5D overlap test in screen space [ BW04 ] . Non-common GPU solutions are more recent ones generally developed with CUDA and not using image space to detect collisions.

Cinder [ KP03 ] is an algorithm exploiting GPU to implement a ray-casting method to detect static interference between solid polyhedral objects. The algorithm is linear in relation to the number of objects and number of polygons in the environment. It also requires no preprocessing or special data structures. Other methods have been proposed using ray-casting, Hermann et al. [ HFR08 ] use it to detect collision and to create contact forces. GPU-based algorithms for self-collision and cloth animation have also been introduced by Govindaraju et al. [ GLM05a , GLM05b ] . Juarez-Comboni et al. [ JCD05 ] describe the use of several GPUs during the collision detection process. One GPU is in charge of the collision detection process using a simple boundary volume collision query. The other one is in charge of the rendering operations. An algorithm using Layered Depth Images (LDI) to detect collision and create physical reaction, has been proposed [ FBAF08 ] . It has been developed to run on a single GPU. An LDI is a representation and rendering method for objects. Similar to a two-dimensional image, the LDI consists of an array of pixels. Contrary to a 2D image, an LDI pixel has depth information and there are multiple layers at a pixel location. The LDI algorithm has been introduced by Shade et al. [ SGHS98 ] to represent multiple geometric layers from one viewpoint. Heidelberger et al. [ HTG03 , HTG04 ] have extended the model of LDI to build geometrical models of volume intersections. A solution using image-space visibility queries has been proposed for the broad phase [ GRLM03 ] .

A recent work uses thread and data parallelism on a single GPU to perform fast hierarchy construction, updating, and traversal using tight-fitting bounding volumes such as oriented bounding boxes (OBB) and rectangular swept spheres (RSS) [ LMM10 ] . We have also proposed a solution based on a GPU mapping function that enables GPU threads to determine the object pairs to compute without any global memory access using a square root approximation technique based on Newton's estimation [ AGA12 ].

3.2.2.  CPU-based algorithms

The pipeline has never been parallelized but Zachmann [ Zac01 ] made an evaluation of the performance of a theoretically parallelized back-end of the pipeline and showed that if the environment density is large compared to the number of processors, then good speed-ups can be noticed. Multi-processor machines are also used to perform collision detection [ KSTK95 ] . Depth-first traversal of bounding volumes tree traversal (BVTT) and parallel cloth simulation [ SSIF09 ] are good instances of this kind of work. Dodier et al. [ DLAG13 ] have proposed a distributed and anticipative model for collision detection on distributed systems such as PC clusters. Their model allows to break synchronism constraints for the collision detection process that allows the simulation to run in a decentralized and distributed fashion.

Few papers appeared dealing with new parallel collision detection algorithms using multi-core architecture. A new task splitting approach for implicit time integration and collision handling on a multi-core architecture has been proposed [ TPB08 ] . Tang et al. [ TMT09 ] propose to use a hierarchical representation to accelerate collision detection queries and an incremental algorithm exploiting temporal coherence. The overall is distributed among multiple cores. They obtained a 4X-6X speed-up on a 8-core processor based on several deformable models. Kim et al [ KHY08 ] propose to use a feature-based bounding volume hierarchy (BVH) to improve performances of continuous collision detection. They also propose novel task decomposition methods for their BVH-based collision detection and dynamic task assignment methods. They obtained a 7X-8X speed-up using a 8-core architecture compared to a single-core. Hermann et al. [ HRF09 ] propose a parallelization of interactive physical simulations. They obtain a 14X-16X speed-up on a 16-core architecture compared to a single-core.

3.2.3.  Hybrid-based algorithms

More and more papers appear dealing with new hybrid solutions that run on multi-core and multi-GPU architecture. Kim et al. [ KHH09 ] have presented an hybrid parallel continuous collision detection method HPCCD based on a bounding volume hierarchy. Recently, Pabst et al. [ PKS10 ] have presented a new hybrid CPU/GPU method for rigid and deformable objects based on spatial subdivision. Broad and narrow phases are both executed on a multi-GPU architecture.

3.3.  Positioning

Related work lets appear that many studies have been made to improve efficiency and performance of collision detection algorithms. The use of parallelism is becoming commonplace to address the problem of real-time collision detection [ AGA09 ] . Thus, only fine-grain parallelizations have been done on algorithms and, for the moment, there is no work on a global parallelization of the pipeline stages and on its adaptation on any number of cores.

4.  Multi-Core Broad Phase

The architecture of collision detection algorithms needs to be improved to face real-time interaction. In this way, we focus on an essential step of the collision detection pipeline: the broad phase. More precisely, our algorithm is an implementation of the "Sweep and Prune" [ CLMP95 ] on a multi-core architecture [ AGA10a ].

Figure 3.  Our parallel broad-phase algorithm. Parallelization of the update AABB part and the calculate overlapping pair one with a synchronization point between them.

Our parallel broad-phase algorithm. Parallelization of the update AABB part and the calculate overlapping pair one with a synchronization point between them.

4.1.  Multi-Threaded Algorithm

Multi-core architecture enable to separate collision detection computations on available cores. But computations can not be separated on the way without a special data structure. To fully exploit multi-core architecture, critical sections, threads idling and cores synchronization have to be taken into account and minimized or avoided. To parallelize the algorithm we have decided to use OpenMP  [3] because of the directives that allow to keep the same code (with few algorithmic modifications on the data structure) and to focus on the directives. Even if IntelTBB provides better performance, it is more complex to program with and it generates specific code, unable to work without IntelTBB libraries. A simplified scheme of our model is in Figure 3. We can notice the parallelization of the two principal parts of the algorithm with a synchronization between both. The number of threads that are created depends on the number of available cores. As a thread is only in charge of geometric computations and does not wait for anything, creating more than one thread per core will increase computation time.

In the first step of the algorithm, each thread works on objects where n is the number of objects in the environment and c the number of cores. It is possible to divide objects per threads because AABB update computation does not depend on the object complexity, the time spent per object by a thread is almost homogeneous. Compared to the sequential algorithm where the newly computed bounding volume is written on the way in a data structure, we can not use the same scheme without avoiding critical writing section between threads. That is why we introduce a new smallest data storage used by each thread to put new computed bounding volume. This new structure is an array dynamically allocated in relation to the number of cores and objects. Synchronization between these two steps is compulsory to merge all the new bounding volumes in the same data structure. We only merge threads array pointers to reduce synchronization time.

Figure 4.  Benchmarks: We used several benchmark models to measure collision detection time: 10K balls of 2K polygons each falling in simple environment of 600 polygons (= 1.1M polygons), 20K cubes of 12 polygons each fallen on complex environment of 300K (= 420K polygons) and 3.5K concave shapes (skittles of 20K each) falling on a plan. We only performed tests on n-body simulation of rigid bodies using AABB as bounding volume.

Benchmarks: We used several benchmark models to measure collision detection time: 10K balls of 2K polygons each falling in simple environment of 600 polygons (= 1.1M polygons), 20K cubes of 12 polygons each fallen on complex environment of 300K (= 420K polygons) and 3.5K concave shapes (skittles of 20K each) falling on a plan. We only performed test on n-body simulation of rigid bodies using AABB as bounding volume.

In the second part of the algorithm, each thread works on pairs of objects where c is still the number of cores. Like in the first part, each computation made by a thread is an overlapping test between object coordinates so it does not depend on the object complexity. To avoid critical section between threads we use a similar technique where each thread is fitted with its own data storage to put object pairs with overlapped coordinates. All pairs of objects in collision are merged at the end of the overall computation to create the the list of pairs of objects in collision. Then, this new pair list is given to the narrow phase that performs an exact collision detection test. This kind of broad-phase algorithm is well-suited to the parallelization because there is no dependency between computations. They can be distributed among 2, 4, 8 or more cores without disturbing results.

4.2.  Results

In this section we present main results of computation time speed-up. Those tests were performed through several benchmark models (cf Figure. 4). We only performed test on n -body simulation of rigid bodies using AABB as bounding volume. To obtain homogeneous results, we have only worked on a 8-cores computer using 1, 2, 4 or 8 cores. We worked on Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Version 2003 with an Intel Xeon (2*Quad) CPU X5482 of 3.20 GHz and with 64 GB of RAM.

Table 1.  Time spent for updating AABB for each benchmark model from 1 core to 8 cores.




1 core




2 cores




4 cores




8 cores




Figure 5.  The AABB update execution time in relation to the number of cores. The overall computation time is reduced by 17.03% by using 8 cores on this benchmark.

The AABB update execution time in relation to the number of cores. The overall computation time is reduced by 17.03% by using 8 cores on this benchmark.

We present here time results for all used benchmark models (Cubes, Balls and Skittles). Numerical results for the first part of the algorithm are presented in Table 1. The reduction of the overall running time is shown on the graphic in Figure 5. We can see a percentage of time reduction for the first part of the algorithm concerning the AABB update. For one scenario four blocks show the time spent from 1 to 8 cores and we can notice that time decreases when the number of cores goes up. The overall running time is reduced by 56.04% by using 2 cores, 31.49% for 4 cores and 17,03% for 8-cores. Numerical results for the second part of the algorithm are presented in Table 2. This second part of the algorithm is shown in the graphic Figure 6 and we notice the same gain of time as in the first part. The overall running time is reduced by 59.2% by using 2 cores, 35.34% for 4 cores and 21.56% for 8-cores.

The general speed-up of our parallel algorithm is shown in Figure 7, on this graphics our work is represented by the pink line bounded by the blue one which is the optimal speed-up for a parallel execution to which we wanted to get closer to. We have also performed measures on the computation time spent by t threads shared on c cores and the assumption made at the beginning on using more than one thread per core seems to be exact. Time spent by 3 threads on 2 cores is slower than 2 threads but better than 1. So using more than one thread per core is not justified and appears to be less efficient.

Table 2.  Time spent to calculate overlapping pairs for each benchmark model from 1 core to 8 cores.




1 core




2 cores




4 cores




8 cores




Figure 6.  The execution time of the overlapping pairs checks in relation to the number of cores. The overall computation time is reduced by 21.56% by using 8 cores on this benchmark.

The execution time of the overlapping pairs checks in relation to the number of cores. The overall computation time is reduced by 21.56% by using 8 cores on this benchmark.

Figure 7.  The overall gain of the execution. A speed-up of 5,1 is obtained on a 8-cores computer.

The overall gain of the execution. A speed-up of 5,1 is obtained on a 8-cores computer.

4.3.  Positioning Key

We have presented a new way to parallelize the "Sweep and Prune" algorithm on a multi-core architecture. Results show that our solution enables to reduce computation time by almost 5X-6X on a 8-cores architecture. The persistent method that updates an internal structure is still more interesting compared to the brute-force one parallelized on 2 or 4 cores but becomes takes longer compared to the 8-cores parallelization. As processors will soon have more and more cores, using the brute-force broad-phase algorithm will become a necessity to take full advantage of these highly parallelizable architecture. GPU is also subjected to an impressive evolution of its number of cores.

5.  Multi-GPU Broad Phase

We continue by presenting a new way to parallelize the broad phase algorithm on a multi-GPU architecture. First, we describe the existing algorithm we used and then our new model running on a multi-core and multi-GPU architecture.

5.1.  GPU "Sweep and Prune"

Figure 8.  "Sweep and Prune" algorithm on a single GPU. Each pair of the biggest table is handled by a thread that looks for a similar pair in the other input table.

"Sweep and Prune" algorithm on a single GPU. Each pair of the biggest table is handled by a thread that looks for a similar pair in the other input table.

We have started the development with a first implementation of this broad-phase algorithm on a single GPU. The algorithm is divided into three parts of which two of them are executed by the GPU. The first part is in charge of determining which pairs of object are in overlapping. On the CPU we maintain three sorted lists of starts (lower bound) and ends (upper bound) of objects' bounding volume of which we extract overlapping pairs. The GPU is in charge of extracting pairs common to all three lists (cf Figure 8). This work is done by a CUDA algorithm that assigns to each GPU thread a kernel function in charge of extracting pairs in a smaller dataset. We first compare x- and y-axis creating a table of results in the GPU memory that corresponds to pairs that are in both input axes. To optimize performances we check which axis is the "fullest" one before separating data between threads, in other ways which table is the biggest one. A thread is created for each pair of this axis, and each thread is in charge of determining if there is a similar pair in the other input axis. Then we compare the z-axis with the previous table of results.

Figure 9.  Example of spatial subdivision used for multi-GPU "Sweep and Prune" algorithm. We seek the axis with the largest number of overlapping pairs and subdivide this axis. We then create a CPU thread by area in charge of one GPU device to perform the algorithm in its area.

Example of spatial subdivision used for multi-GPU "Sweep and Prune" algorithm. We seek the axis with the largest number of overlapping pairs and subdivide this axis. We then create a CPU thread by area in charge of one GPU device to perform the algorithm in its area.

Figure 10.  Benchmark: Four virtual environments used during simulation tests - (a) Cubes - (b) Torus - (c) Spheres - (d) Alphabet letters.

Benchmark: Four virtual environments used during simulation tests - (a) Cubes - (b) Torus - (c) Spheres - (d) Alphabet letters.

5.2.  Spatial Subdivision for Multi-GPU

After adapting the "Sweep and Prune" algorithm on a GPU architecture, we now present how it is possible to adapt it on a multi-GPU architecture. The difference between these two versions is in the genericity of the second one because it is able to work on a n -GPU platform. To separate computations between GPU devices during the broad phase process we use dynamic spatial subdivision and more precisely we divide the space by the number of GPUs. The subdivision technique is not a regular one as grids or octrees but depends on the density distribution of objects in the environment. As the computational complexity of the algorithm only depends on the number of objects in the scene, we can decompose the environment from the density of objects. This repartition enables to balance GPU′s computation time and obtain an homogeneous one between GPUs. Figure 9 presents the technique we used to subdivide the environment and distribute computations between GPU devices. We check which among the axes has more overlapping pairs, then we divide it by the number of GPUs in order to separate homogeneously the number of overlapping pairs between them. Each GPU is now in charge of looking for overlapping pairs in its own data set. As we mentioned in the overview each GPU is managed by a CPU core to provide a global parallelization on multi-GPU and multi-core. This is done by using OpenMP, which is a parallelization standard allowing to parallelize the execution on several cores by using compiler directives. Each thread on a core is in charge of a part of the global environment and of its GPU that executes the broad phase algorithm.

At the end we synchronise every GPU's results to create the list of object pairs to transmit to the narrow phase.

5.3.  Results

Figure 11.  Geometric and numerical properties of our four benchmark environments.

Geometric and numerical properties of our four benchmark environments.

We tested our new collision detection pipeline with different simulation scenarios, going from similar objects that are completely independent to heterogeneous scenes of colliding objects (cubes, balls, torus and alphabet letters) (cf Figure 10 and 11). Tests were performed on a 4 * Quadro FX 4600 with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5482 @ 3.20 Ghz (Octo-core) on Windows XP(v64) with 64GB of RAM.

Graphic 12 presents the computation time during the broad-phase process of our four benchmark tests. We measured time spent by four algorithms (from sequential CPU to four GPUs). We can notice a significant difference between CPU and GPU and also between using 1, 2 or 4 GPUs. For large-scale virtual environments speed-up is very significant whereas results show that using 4 GPUs to perform a small-scale environment brings a loss of time. For example with the first benchmark (20.000 Cubes) using one GPU reduces time by 4,2 in relation to the CPU computation time. Time spent by the algorithm on CPU is here to be compared with GPU measures but it is a non performant time because of the brute-force method. Using this CPU algorithm during the broad-phase process if you only have a sequential CPU is highly not recommended. We use it because this is the most parallelizable broad-phase algorithm. The use of 2 GPUs reduces time by 1,79 in relation to the use of one single GPU and 4 GPUs reduces it by more than 3,5.

Figure 12.  The execution time (compared in % to the CPU time) of the broad phase process in relation to the run-time architecture.

The execution time (compared in % to the CPU time) of the broad phase process in relation to the run-time architecture.

On the contrary in the last benchmark (Alphabet), CPU time is the best one because there are only few objects and the broad-phase algorithm is linear with number of objects and does not take into account objects complexity. Results show that using one GPU allows to significantly reduce computation time during the broad-phase process in a large-scale environment. Results also show that a multi-GPU solution is perfectly suited for this kind of highly parallelizable algorithm and allows to divide computation time on 2 and 4 GPUs architecture. Results have also shown that using the largest number of available GPUs might not ensure the best performances when using a small-scale environment.

Graphic 13 shows performance measurements of the broad phase process during the "balls" simulation. We did the same simulation four times but with four different algorithms from sequential CPU to 4 GPUs. We can see on this graphic that although the algorithms have the same computations the computation times change throughout the simulation, these changes are related to the simulation evolution. The horizontal line at the beginning of each curve represents the fall of balls before dropping on to the floor.

Figure 13.  Test made with the "balls" environment to compare algorithms behaviors throughout the simulation. Tests were performed from sequential CPU to 4 GPUs during the broad phase process.

Test made with the "balls" environment to compare algorithms behaviors throughout the simulation. Tests were performed from sequential CPU to 4 GPUs during the broad phase process.

6.  Conclusion

We have presented several contributions on the collision detection optimization centered on hardware performance. We focus on the first step (Broad-phase) and propose three new ways of parallelization of the well-known "Sweep and Prune" algorithm. We first developed a multi-core model that takes into account the number of available cores. Multi-core architecture enables us to distribute geometric computations with use of multi-threading. Critical writing section and thread idling have been minimized by introducing new data structures for each thread. Programming with directives, like OpenMP, appears to be a good compromise for code portability. We then proposed a new GPU-based algorithm also based on the "Sweep and Prune" that has been adapted to multi-GPU architectures. Our technique is based on a spatial subdivision method used to distribute computations among GPUs. Results show that significant speed-up can be obtained by passing from 1 to 4 GPUs in a large-scale environment.

Results suggest a multitude of future directions. It could be interesting to focus on repartition techniques that can be used to distribute data and tasks between GPUs to determine which one is the most suitable for a multi-GPU platform. Specifically, there is still room for improvement in the field of data division during the exact collision detection step (narrow phase). The "Sweep and Prune" algorithm can also be parallelized in many ways by proceeding to a different division of the axes. We saw that using 4 GPUs in a small-scale environment brings a loss of time. Another way of optimization could be an evaluation of the most suitable number of GPU to use to obtain best performances, as using all available GPUs during physical simulations might not ensure best performance. Multi-GPU technique is going to be a key component of parallel collision detection algorithms. The design of such systems requires a detailed analysis of task and data repartition techniques to optimize the performance of these complex runtime architectures.

7.  Acknowledgements

This work would not have been possible without the help of several people who provided great help and our beautiful region of Brittany who provided funding (ARED financing - GRiRV Project No. 4295). This paper is related to a Best Student Paper Award received on April 2010 at the VRIC conference, the authors thank the conference′s organisers and people who voted for our work.


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