JVRB switches from hybrid HTML/PDF to PDF-only publication
The editorial team of JVRB has discussed the publication workflow and duration of the publication process. We came to the conclusion that after the review process and submission of the final article version, the preparation of the articles is a lengthy process. The most time-consuming part is the conversion of the articles into a Docbook-XML-version. We therefore decided to stop converting future articles into that format and use the PDF/A archiving standard instead.
This XML-file format was chosen in the first place to make the adaption to future file formats and article representations possible. During the last 15 years, no other file formats or representations have been requested and the PDF/A-standard has risen to an accepted and wide spread data format for long term archiving. The publication process for articles after the acceptance and the final article submission will be significantly sped up and authors will profit from a faster publication of their work. JVRB might be able to apply for the addition into Scopus or the Web of Science with higher publication rates per year. The metadata that is assigned to new articles will be unaffected and will keep the same high quality as for the XML-and-PDF-articles. The amount of work that is saved by a PDF-only publication model will create resources that JVRB will use to acquire more articles, to speed up the review process, and to improve the visibility of its publications.
The publication model will be changed with the opening of volume 15(2018).