Call for Submissions - JVRB Special Issue: Trackless virtual studio via actor reconstruction
JVRB will dedicate volume 13.2016 to the topic of Trackless virtual studio via actor reconstruction.
Virtual sets without camera tracking offer a great degree of freedom concerning camera moves: A virtual camera is not limited by physical constraints and visual effect (e. g. “bullet time”) or unusual camera positions can easily be produced. It is possible to achieve full interaction between the real and the virtual domain, including lighting, shadows and collision. Furthermore, a complete actor reconstruction results in easy actor modification (e. g. exchanging body parts with virtual parts).
The JVRB Special Issue 2016 focusses on how these new techniques influence entertainment, filmmaking and visual storytelling. It presents state-of-the-art approaches to trackless virtual studio via actor reconstruction and which technologies are necessary to achieve this.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- 3D object acquisition
- Volumetric surface reconstruction
- Image-based modelling
- Structure from motion
- Sensor Fusion
- Multi-view stereo
- 6dof-Tracking
- Depth camera
- Relighting
- Software approaches
- Mobile approaches
All submissions will undergo a peer-review process with at least three independent experts from the appropriate field of research.
Guest Editor: Graham Thomas, BBC Research and Development, UK
Extended Deadline: May 17th, 2016 (original deadline: March 31st, 2016)
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