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VRST 2007 - ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
The ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an annual conference devoted to the technical aspects of virtual reality. The first VRST was held in Singapore in 1994 and since then it has been held in Japan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Taiwan, England, Korea, Canada and the United States. This will be the fourteenth VRST annual conference to be held in Newport Beach, California.
Mobile HCI 2007 - Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services
Topics include: - Audio and speech interaction - Context-dependent systems - Designing Web sites for mobile devices - Ethnographical and field studies with mobile technology - Evaluation of mobile devices and services - Group interaction and mobility - Intelligent environments - Location-aware interaction - Methods to evaluate mobile usability - Model-based design of interactive mobile systems - Mobile phenomena - Mobility and work environments - Multimodal interaction - Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques - Perception and modeling of the environment - Safety issues (e.g., in-car user interfaces, payments) - Specific classes of handheld devices (PDA, Pocket PC, WAP phone, etc.) - 3D graphics on mobile devices - 3G/4G devices and services - Usability of mobile devices and services - Visualization techniques for the mobile context - Interdisciplinary perspectives towards mobile interaction (e.g. Social aspects) - User centered design tools and methods for mobile systems - Wearable computing - Mobile Entertainment - Urban and Location based gaming - Smart clothes - Mobile social networks - Useful services for mobile devices
The 19th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry CCCG 2007
The Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG) focuses on the mathematics of discrete geometry from a computational point of view. Abstracting and studying the geometry problems that underlie important applications of computing (such as geographic information systems, computer-aided design, simulation, robotics, solid modeling, databases, and graphics) leads not only to new mathematical results, but also to improvements in these application areas.
International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology ACE 2007
Topics: - Computer Entertainment: Development and Evaluation - Augmented / Mixed Reality - Avatars and Virtual Action - Computer Entertainment and Sports - Evolutionary Platforms / Hardware - Entertainment Psychology / Philosophy - Entertainment Robots and Human-Robot Interaction - Graphics Techniques - Haptics - Interfaces - Military Training / Simulation Applications of Games - Mobile Entertainment - Narratives - Networking - New Genres - New Standards - Novel Hardware Devices - Physics / AI - Social Computing - Sound and Music
PerGames 2007
The PerGames series of international symposia addresses the design and technical issues of bringing computer entertainment back to the real world with pervasive games. Previous PerGames events were held in Vienna (2004), Munich (2005), Dublin (2006) and attracted researchers and practitioners from all over the world. Topics include: - Mixed reality installations - Innovative input devices - Augmented tabletop games - Emerging pervasive game concepts - Augmented reality games - (Mis-)use of enabling technologies in games - Mobile computing entertainment - Business cases for pervasive computing games - Privacy and awareness issues in pervasive games - Mixing games and serious applications
Edutainment 2007 - The 2nd International Conference of E-Learning and Games
Edutainment 2007 will cover a range of topics including: - Active Interaction in Games - Animation Techniques - Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality - Collaborative Environments - Collaborative Learning - Digital Museum - Digital Heritage - E-Learning Platforms and Tools - E-Learning Standards - Education and Remote Classrooms - Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Education - Game Design and Development - Game Engine Development and Customization - Game AI and Articial Life - Game Physics - Game Rendering/Animations - Learning Resource Management - Life Long Learning - Mobile Learning - Online/Mobile Game/ Video Game - Practice and Experience Sharing - Remote Group Simulations - Storytelling and Game Narrative - Synergies between Digital TV and Edutainment - Virtual Characters/Agents - Virtual Reality in Education - Vision and Imaging Technology in Games and any other researches dealing with a pioneered or significant development in animation, virtual reality and multimedia.
10th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence 2007
The aim of the 3IA Conference is to present the actual state of research of Computer Graphics researchers who use Artificial Intelligence techniques. - Artificial intelligence techniques in construction of geometric figures - Artificial intelligence techniques in scene modelling - Computer graphics and machine learning - Declarative techniques in scene modelling - Scene properties description techniques - Intelligent visualisation - Intelligent methods for exploring virtual worlds - Intelligent collaborative design - Design of intelligent graphic interfaces - Behavioural animation - Animation and artificial intelligence - Scene understanding - Semantics-based approaches in desig - Decision support systems in design - Knowledge-based design and rendering - Intelligent Computational aesthetics - Application of AI techniques in CAD and GIS - Intelligent CG applications in bioinformatics & medical informatics
Graphics Interface 2007
Graphics Interface 2007 will take place in Montréal, Canada from May 28 to May 30 at the Marriott Château Champlain Montréal hotel. GI 2007 will be the 33rd Graphics Interface conference; it is the oldest continuously-scheduled conference in the field. GI consistently attracts high-quality papers on recent advances in interactive systems, human computer interaction, and graphics, from around the world. Topics include: - Shading and rendering - Geometric modeling and meshing - Graphics in simulation - Image-based rendering - Image synthesis and realism - Medical and scientific visualization - Computer animation - Real-time rendering - Non-photorealistic rendering - Scientific and information visualization - Interaction techniques - Computer-supported cooperative work - Human interface devices - Virtual reality - Augmented reality - Data and information visualization - Multimedia - Mobile computing - Haptic and tangible interfaces - Perception
EuroVis 2007 - Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization
Topics include: - Theoretical foundations of visualization - Usability and human factors in visualization - Visual knowledge discovery and visual analytics - Visual Data Mining - Information visualization - Software visualization - Flow visualization - Volume visualization - Surface extraction - Compression and multi-resolution techniques - Large data visualization - Time-varying data - Visualization systems - Multi-modal visualization - Distributed, collaborative, and grid-based visualization - Parallel visualization and graphics clusters - Visualization over the internet - Mobile and ubiquitous visualization - Visual Data Mining
The 7th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation 2007
Under the focus of Human-Computer Communication and Interaction, the workshop will encompass all aspects of gesture studies, including but not restricted to: Nature of Gesture, Foundational issues and Modelling: what are gestures? - Theoretical aspects of gestural communication and interaction - Gesture perception and production - Analysis and synthesis of gesture - Vision-based gesture recognition - Automatic learning of gestural patterns - Physiology and biomechanics of physical gesture - Gesture standards
VRIC'07 - Virtual Reality International Conference
Topics incude: - Envision the risk to save - VR & Human Behavior - Virtually exploring our landscape through the time - V&A Reality: break the deadlocks
WEB3D 2007 - ACM International Web3D Symposium
Twelfth in the series, the 2007 ACM International Web3D Symposium will address a wide range of topics about 3D on the Internet and on Multimedia, including languages, tools, rendering techniques, human-computer interaction aspects, mobile devices, and innovative applications. The annual ACM Web3D Symposium is a major event which unites researchers, developers, experimenters, and content creators in a dynamic learning environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing, or creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies, such as (but not limited to) X3D, VRML, MPEG4, MPEG7, U3D, Collada, Acrobat3D and Java3D. The symposium will also focus on recent trends, such as interactive 3D graphics and its applications on mobile devices. Topics include: - Interactive 3D graphics for PDAs and cellular phones - Innovative 3D graphics applications for Web/Multimedia in industry, science, medicine, and education - User-interface paradigms and interaction methods for real-time 3D graphics virtual environments - Animated humanoids and complex reactive characters - High-performance 3D graphics for distributed environments and tele-operation systems - Integration and interoperation with other Web/Multimedia standards, including SVG, SMIL and Semantic Web technologies - Methods for modeling and rendering complex geometry, structure and behaviors.
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007
IEEE VR 2007 is the premier international conference and exhibition in virtual reality. It provides a unique opportunity to interact with leading experts in VR and closely-related fields such as augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces.
GRAPP 2007 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
AREA 1: GEOMETRY AND MODELING - Geometric Computing - Modeling and Algorithms - Fundamental Methods and Algorithms - Scene and Object Modeling - Solid and Heterogeneous Modeling - Surface Modeling - Modeling of Natural Scenes and Phenomena - Physics-Based Modeling - Multi-Resolution Modeling - Image-Based Modeling - Texture Models, Analysis, and Synthesis - Reflection and Illumination Models - Model Validation - CAGD - CAD/CAM Systems - Graphics Architectures - Sketch-Based Modelling AREA 2: RENDERING - Systems and Software Architectures for Rendering - Rendering Algorithms - Real-Time Rendering - Parallel Rendering - Image-Based Rendering - Volume Rendering - Point-Based Rendering - Lighting and Appearance - Shadows, Translucency and Visibility - Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Painting-like rendering, Drawing - Rendering Hardware AREA 3: ANIMATION AND SIMULATION - Animation Systems - Animation Algorithms and Techniques - Animation Languages - Animation from Motion Capture - Character Animation - Behavioural Animation - Human Figure Animation - Facial Animation - Animation of Particle Systems - Plausible Motion Simulation - Animation and Simulation of Natural Environments - Special Effects - Real-time Visual Simulation AREA 4: INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENTS - Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments - Distributed Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality - Collaborative Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments - Virtual Tours - Virtual Humans and Artificial Life - Real-time Graphics - Graphics in Computer Games - Collision Detection - Graphical Interfaces - Mobile Interfaces - Advanced User Interfaces - Hardware Technologies for Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
AREA 1: IMAGE FORMATION AND PROCESSING - Computational Geometry - Multi-view Geometry - Illumination and Reflectance Modeling - Image Formation, Acquisition Devices and Sensors - Multimodal and Multisensor Models of Image Formation - Image Quality - Image Filtering - Spatial Color Indexing - Enhancement and Restoration - Mathematical Morphology - Implementation of Image and Video Processing Systems AREA 2: IMAGE ANALYSIS - Early Vision and Image Representation - Surface Geometry and Shape - Feature Extraction - Segmentation and Grouping - Time-Frequency Analysis - Wavelet Analysis - Statistical Approach - Structural and Syntactic Approach - Fractal and Chaos Theory in Image Analysis - Image Registration - Video Analysis - Medical Image Analysis AREA 3: IMAGE UNDERSTANDING - Recognition and Indexing - Cognitive & Biologically Inspired Vision - Cognitive Models for Interpretation, Integration and Control - Neural Networks - Object, Event and Scene Recognition, Retrieval and Indexing - Human Activity Recognition - Face and Gesture Recognition - Dynamics and Learning for Gesture Interpretation - Visual Learning - Pattern Recognition in Image Understanding - Optical Color Pattern Recognition - Data Mining in Pattern Recognition - Model Acquisition and Validation - 2D and 3D Scene Understanding - Localization and Recognition of 3D Object Features - Recognizing 3-D Object Shapes from Range Data AREA 4: MOTION, TRACKING AND STEREO VISION - Real-time Vision - Active and Robot Vision - Visually Guided Robotics - Visual Navigation - Motion and Tracking - Stereo Vision and Structure from Motion - Matching Correspondence and Flow - Model-based Object tracking in Image Sequences - Tracking of People and Surveillance - Segment Cluster Tracking - Retrieval of 3D Objects from Video Sequences - Detecting 3D Objects Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance - Image-based Modeling and 3D Reconstruction
MMM2007 - International MultiMedia Modeling Conference
Topics include: - Multimedia Content Analysis (Image/Video/Audio Content Analysis for Retrieval Applications, Multimodal Analysis for Retrival Applications, Multimedia Fusion Methods, Multimedia Abstraction & Summary, Media Content Browsing and Retrieval Tools) - Multimedia Signal Processing & Communications (Multimedia Compression, Representation and Signal Processing, Advances in Multimedia Networking and Streaming) - Multimedia Security & Multimedia Database - New Multimedia Architectures, Systems, Applications and Services (Multi-Camera and Multiview Systems, Virtual Reality, Real-Time and Interactive Multimedia Applications, Multimedia Web Applications, Sensor Networks (Video Surveillance, Distributed Systems), Emerging Trends (Multimedia Collaboration, Contextual Metadata, Collaborative Tagging))
ICVGIP 2006 - 5th Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing
ICVGIP has been organized every two years since 1995. The unique feature of the conference is to bring together researchers in the academic institutions and R&D laboratories working in Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing and to use this as a forum to exchange views and ideas in these topics of current research.
3rd INTUITION International Workshop
Virtual Reality (VR) technology is a rapidly evolving and diversifying field. The massive research and development process in this field has reached a degree which makes a pan-European structuring and integrating effort an absolute necessity. To promote the enhancement of the adoption of Virtual Environments (VEs) in industrial and other processes and assess the impact of its "penetration" into the workplace and everyday life, 58 organizations from 15 European countries have joined together to create INTUITION, a Network of Excellence focused on Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments applications applications for future workspaces.
Graphite 2006 - 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South-East Asia
Topics include: - Effective user interfaces - Interactive installations - Image based texturing and rendering - Haptics - Modeling techniques - Rendering techniques - Sound rendering - Real time graphics - Virtual and augmented reality - Visualisation - 3D computer animation - Cultural heritage applications - Computer art - Digital games - Education and e-learning applications - Interactive digital media - Web 3D and applications
International Conference on Cyberworlds 2006 (Lausanne, Switzerland, from 2006-11-28 12:00 AM to 2006-11-30 12:00 AM)
Cyberworlds are information worlds being formed on Internet either intentionally or spontaneously, with or without design. As information worlds, they are either virtual or real, and can be both. In terms of information modelling, the theoretical ground for the Cyberworlds is far above the level of integrating spatial database models and temporal database models. This conference will deal with large distributed information worlds on Internet as well as methods and tools used for creating such worlds. Topics Include: Philosophy, Evolution, and Ethics of Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds and their impact on the real worlds; Cyberethics and Cyberlaws; Cybersecurity; Visual Cyberworlds; Human animation in Cyberworlds; Virtual Reality in Cyberworlds; Computer vision and augmented reality for Cyberworlds; Intelligent agents in Cyberworlds; Communication in Cyberworlds; Distributed virtual environments; Shared virtual worlds; Data mining and warehousing in Cyberworlds Bioinformatics for Cyberlife and medicine Healthcare in Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds for bioengineering; Cyberinformation systems; E-business in Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds for education Collaborative work using Cyberworlds; Cyberworlds for manufacturing; Cyber fairs and Cyber museums; Multi-user web games