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Innovative computer-based music interfaces (ICMI)
for interface designers, musicians, computer scientists, media artists: topics include: - design of computer-based music synthesis - implementation and design of music interfaces - technical/musical expression [Further information in German only]
MICCAI 2008 - 11th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
Topics include: - General Medical Image Computing - Computer Assisted Interventional Systems and Robotics - Visualization and Interaction - General Biological and Neuroscience Image Computing - Computational Anatomy (statistics on anatomy) - Computational Physiology (virtual organs) - Innovative Clinical and Biological Applications
EDT - IPT 2008 - 4th Workshop on Emerging Display Technologies and 10th Workshop on Immersive Projection Technology
Topics inlcude: - multiview, multifocal, or high dynamic range displays; - omnistereo projection systems; - ad hoc or "poor man's" projection systems; - ultra wide field of view HMD optics; - ultra fast displays; - head-worn or hand-held (mobile) paradigms; - hybrid display systems and applications; - displays with integrated interaction components; - adaptive projector display systems; - extended color gamut or color matching displays; - projector-based user/device tracking or interaction; - embedded pixels for Spatially-Augmented Reality; and - rendering techniques associated with the above.
AMDO 2008 - V Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects
Topics include: Track 1: Computer Graphics (Human Modelling & Animation) Track 2: Human Motion (Analysis, Tracking, 3D Reconstruction & Recognition) Track 3: Multimodal User Interaction (VR & AR, Speech, Biometrics) Track 4: Advanced Multimedia Systems (Standards, Indexed Video Contents)
CIT 2008 - IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
Topics include: - Database and Data Mining - Internet and Web Applications - High Performance Computing - Networking and Mobile Computing - Multimedia Systems - Computer Graphics and Information Visualization - IT in Biomedicine - Visual Analysis - Information Systems - Image Processing - Information Security - Embedded Systems - Software Engineering - Ubiquitous and Sensor Network - Service Oriented Computing - VLSI and Design Methodology - Video Surveillance
EuroITV 2008 - European Interactive TV Conference 2008
Topics include: - Beyond the home context, extended home, Mobile TV - Ambient intelligence, ambient media environments - Social TV, sociability, usability and user experience - Digital content production, HDTV and digital cinema - Asset management, metadata and content enrichment - Entertainment computing, games, betting, game shows - Broadband and IPTV - 3DTV and VR systems - Audience research, ethnography, user studies - New advertising and revenue models for television - Accessibility, universal access, multimodal interaction - Business models, media management, media economics, t-commerce, t-learning - Web2.0, user-generated content - Communication services, video conferencing, messaging - Content management, digital rights management - Interactive storytelling, interactive advertising - Electronic program guide, video search, video navigation - Enhanced TV (news, weather, sports) - Changes in technical requirements and infrastructures (ubiquitous and mobile) - Standards (TV-Anytime, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, SMIL) - Multimedia, graphics, broadcast and video technology - Personalization, user modelling, intelligent user interfaces - Ethical, regulatory and policy issues
IVEVA 2008 - The International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Environments and Virtual Agents
Topics include: - Agents applications - Virtual assistants, avatars, believable agents - Speech and language for virtual agents - Multimodal Human/Agent Interaction - Communicative Agents in Intelligent Virtual Environments - Design and Implementation of Intelligent Virtual Environments - Web based Virtual Environments - Artificial life - Human machine interaction - Education - Telerobotics - Intelligent Tutoring Systems - Virtual Laboratories - Intelligent Interfaces - Emotion architectures - Virtual Heritage - Emergent Narrative - Self-Animate Characters - Agents in Videogames - Planning in Video games
2nd CAE Forum 2008 - Simulation Driven Product Development
Topics include: - importance of CAE in industry - strategies for the further development of CAE - influence of CAE on production and developemnt - contributions for an increase in profitability in product development (Further information in German only)
Edutainment 2008 - The 3rd International Conference on E-learning and Game
Edutainment 2008 is the third International Conference on E-learning and Games, which is an international forum for researchers to share their latest research output on the development and application of e-learning and digital entertainment systems. Edutainment 2008 will be held at Nanjing Normal University in June 16-18, 2008. The conference will include plenary invited talks, workshops, tutorials, paper presentation tracks and panel discussions. Three to six keynote speakers will be invited. Topics include: - E-Learning Platforms and Tools - Learning Resource Management - Practice and Experience Sharing - E-Learning Standards - Mobile Learning - Education and Remote Classrooms - Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Education - Life Long Learning - Collaborative Environments - Remote Group Simulations - Collaborative Learning - Virtual Reality in Education - Game Design and Development - Game Engine Development and Customization - Game AI and Artificial Life - Game Physics - Game Rendering/Animations - Virtual Characters/Agents - Online/Mobile Game/ Video Game - Storytelling and Game Narrative - Affective Interaction in Games - Digital Museum - Digital Heritage - Animation Techniques - Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality - Vision and Imaging Technology in Games - Synergies between Digital TV and Edutainment
GraphiCon 2008 - 18th international conference on Computer Graphics
Topics include: - Geometry modeling and processing - Photorealistic rendering techniques - Scientific visualization - Image-based techniques - Computer graphics for mobile devices - Computer graphics hardware - Graphics in computer games - Animation and simulation - Virtual and augmented reality - Medical image processing - Early vision and image representation - Tracking and surveillance - Segmentation and grouping - Image enhancement, restoration and super-resolution - 3D reconstruction and acquisition - Object localization and recognition - Multi-sensor fusion and 3-D registration - Structure from motion and stereo - Scene modeling - Statistical Methods and Learning
EGSR08 - 19th Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
Topics include: - Global illumination - Monte Carlo techniques - Finite element techniques - Volume scattering and translucency - Reflectance and scattering models - Human perception and error measures - Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing - Shadows and visibility - Texture models, analysis, and synthesis - Computational photography - Non-photorealistic rendering - Image-based measurement and rendering - Sensing for graphics - Point-based rendering - New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware - Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing - Systems and software architecture for rendering - Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems - Rendering dynamic/animated environments
CVPR 2008 - IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Topics include: - Biometrics - Video Surveillance and Monitoring - Color and Texture - Segmentation - Motion and Tracking Stereo and Structure from Motion - Image-Based Modeling - Illumination and Reflectance Modeling - Shape Representation - Multi-view Geometry - Pattern Recognition in New Modalities - Cognitive and Biologically-inspired Vision - Knowledge Representation and High-Level Vision - Object Recognition - Object Detection and Categorization - Video Analysis and Event Recognition - Face and Gesture - Statistical Methods and Learning - Performance Evaluation - Medical Image Analysis - Image and Video Retrieval - Document Recognition - Biomedical Imaging New and Emerging Applications - Perceptual Grouping
ICME 2008 - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo
Topics include: - Speech, audio, image, video processing and coding - Virtual reality and 3-D imaging - Signal processing for media integration - Multimedia communications and networking - Multimedia security and content protection - Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction - Multimedia databases - Hardware and software for multimedia systems - Multimedia standards and related issues - Multimedia applications - Medical signal processing
Graphics Hardware 2008
Topics inlcude: - Graphics hardware architectures - Hardware and software for real-time ray-tracing - Programming models and techniques for data-parallel problems - Software-hardware interfaces - Shading language implementation - Performance measurement, modeling, and optimization - Exploitation of new memory technologies for 3D graphics - Graphics for mobile devices and integrated chipsets - Support for general primitives (splines, points, volumes, ) - Space, screen, and model partitioning - HW-related compression/decompression techniques - Hardware support for video processing - Novel display technologies - General-purpose computing on graphics hardware requiring new and non-obvious algorithmic approaches
3DPVT 2008 - Fourth International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission
Topics include: - 3D scanning components, software, and systems - 3D view registration - 3D photography algorithms - Multi-view geometry and calibration - 3D shape retrieval and recognition - Shape reconstruction from point-clouds - Shape registration and similarity measures - Interpolation, smoothing, and feature extraction - Shape analysis and morphology - Medial axis and segmentation - Statistical analysis of families of shapes - Simplification and resampling of shapes with photometric data - Compression and transmission of still and dynamic 3D scenes - Streaming and progressive refinements - 3D Video - Image-based rendering and modeling - Interactive visualization of complex scenes - Multi-resolution rendering - Haptic sensors and new human-shape interaction modalities - Psychophysics of 3D sensing and haptics - 3D printing and rapid prototyping - Augmented reality and virtual environments - 3D tele-immersion and remote collaboration
Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
Topics include: - Multimodal interfaces for sketching - Novel sketch input devices - Novel pen-based interaction techniques - Low level ink processing and pen stroke segmentation - Sketch parsing, classification and recognition - Sketch-based interfaces for CAD systems - Sketch-based modeling and editing of 3D shapes - Sketch-based control of animations - Sketch-based interfaces for other applications (surface editing, diagram creation, mathematical annotations, games, etc.) - Rendering techniques for sketch-based systems (NPR) - Sketches for Medical and Volume data editing - Sketch-based retrieval of multimedia information - Usability studies of sketch-based systems - Studies of the impact of sketching on creativity and design
TPCG 2008 - The sixth Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2008 Conference
Topics include: - computer animation - computer-based art and entertainment - computational geometry - display technologies - fundamental algorithms - graphics application systems - graphics architectures and acceleration hardware - fractal and natural phenomena - human computer interaction - image processing - Internet graphics and collaborative environments - medical imaging - modelling methods - rendering techniques - texture synthesis - scientific visualization - information visualization - virtual reality and virtual environments - volume graphics - web graphics
26th Computer Graphics International Conference CGI'2008
Topics include: - Graphics Systems Architeture - Rendering Techniques - Geometric Computing - Shape and Surface Modeling - Physically Based Modeling - Scientific Visualization - Multimedia and Digital Media - Image Based Rendering - Computer Animation - Interaction Techniques and HCI - Stylized Rendering - Virtual and Augmented Reality - Point-based Graphics - Computer Vision - Data Compression for Graphics - Web Graphics - Graphic Toolkits - Computer Graphics Applications
NPAR 2008 - 6th Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering
Topics include: - Simulation of traditional and new graphical styles - Simulation of natural media - Hardware-accelerated algorithms - Level-of-detail in image space - Abstraction and composition in rendered images - Synthesis of stroke-based patterns - Style transfer - Automatic painting from photographs and video - Temporal and spatial coherence in non-photorealistic rendering - Motion blur and depth of field in non-photorealistic images - Lighting models for NPAR - Non-traditional perspective - Animation systems - Computer-aided cartoon animation - 2D/3D integration - Live-action integration - Computer-aided in-betweening - Computer-aided layout - Matting and compositing - Image-based rendering - Rendering languages and systems - Practical NPAR applications
SPM'08 - ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium 2008
Topics include: - Geometric and topological representations of solids - Model acquisition, editing, compression, and transmission - Multi-resolution models of geometry and topology - Curves and surfaces - Heterogeneous models of physical objects and properties - Computational geometry and applications - Geometric computation and processing - Physics-based modeling and design - Shape modeling, synthesis, analysis, and visualization - Reverse engineering, model reconstruction from samples - Dimensioning, tolerancing, and constraints - Conceptual design and multi-disciplinary optimization - Product data exchange, standards, and interoperability - Haptic interfaces and user interaction in 3D design - Collaborative and distributed design - Virtual environments and prototypes - Design and simulation of flexible components - Product and assembly modeling - New prototyping and manufacturing technologies - Biomedical and imaging applications - Geo-scientific applications - Digital entertainment applications - Static or dynamic geometry - Simulation, animation, and interactive techniques