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IEEE VR 2023 – 30th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces

What Conference
When 2023-03-25 to
Where Shanghai, China
Contact Name Xubo Yang, Kun Zhou, Stephan Lukosch, Tobias Langlotz
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Topics include:

  • 3D and volumetric display and projection technology
  • 3D authoring
  • 3D user interaction
  • 3DUI metaphors
  • Accessibility of immersive interfaces
  • Audio interfaces and rendering
  • Collaborative interactions
  • Computer graphics techniques
  • Crowd simulation
  • Diversity and gender issues
  • Embodied agents, virtual humans and (self-)avatars
  • Ethical issues
  • Evaluation methods
  • Haptic interfaces and rendering
  • Human factors and ergonomics
  • Immersive / 360° video
  • Immersive analytics and visualization
  • Immersive games
  • Input devices
  • Locomotion and navigation
  • Mediated and diminished reality
  • Mobile, desktop or hybrid 3DUIs
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Multi-user and distributed systems
  • Multimodal capturing and reconstruction
  • Multimodal/cross-modal interaction and perception
  • Multisensory interfaces and rendering
  • Perception and cognition
  • Presence, body ownership, and agency
  • Scene description and management issues
  • Software architectures, toolkits, and engineering
  • Teleoperation and telepresence
  • Therapy and rehabilitation
  • Touch, tangible and gesture interfaces
  • Tracking and sensing
  • User experience and usability
  • Cultural heritage applications
  • Industrial applications
  • Healthcare applications
  • Education applications

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