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8 items matching your criteria.
GI VR/AR 2013
Simulating Wind and Warmth in Virtual Reality: Conception, Realization and Evaluation for a CAVE Environment
VRIC 2009
Virtual characters designed for forensic assessment and rehabilitation of sex offenders: standardized and made-to-measure
VRIC 2009
Efficient Bimanual Symmetric 3D Manipulation for Bare-Handed Interaction
VRIC 2015
A Classification of Human-to-Human Communication during the Use of Immersive Teleoperation Interfaces
VRIC 2008
Gaze behavior nonlinear dynamics assessed in virtual immersion as a diagnostic index of sexual deviancy: preliminary results
GI VR/AR 2013
Influence of Information and Instructions on Human Behavior in Tunnel Accidents: A Virtual Reality Study
Audiovisual perception of real and virtual rooms
Presence in a Three-Dimensional Test Environment: Benefit or Threat to Market Research?